Love Joy


Love Joy


forgive me for craving intoxicating sips
blame the sweet nectar of your tender lips
as I dance your flesh with eager fingertips

stir your soul with passionate tongue whips
while painting your thighs in sensuous nips
until caught in ecstasy – your love joy drips

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click here to discover blame & forgiveness at dVerse:

    Blame and Forgiveness

  • Click below here to read more Quadrilles at dVerse:

    Quadrille #74

  • Of My Own Flesh

  • It was a pleasure writing for many years, inspired by the visual prompts at both “Magpie Tales” and “Writer’s Island”. Both are gone now several years. I am thrilled to have now found Hélène Vaillant’s Willow Poetry! This is my first, of what will be regular responses to her wonderful weekly visuals.


    Of My Own Flesh


    as I cautiously round the bend
    and pass beyond the icy knoll
    I catch my first sight of it
    the cursed final destination
    of my long treacherous journey
    the castle of Zwénne the Lesser
    once my home, now foreign to me

    this castle is most ominous
    since becoming Overlord of the Realm
    Zwénne has rejected our father’s example
    no celebration resounds the greatrooms
    no joy warms the hallways, or towers
    this long proud and mighty old structure
    now a soulless abode of dark magic

    it has become cold and foreboding
    and rumored most dangerous
    even deadly for those that dare enter
    but I know they are not just rumors
    there is undoubtedly a murderous evil
    that dwells within its walls
    undead and otherworldly evil

    since conjuring the spirit
    of Döxys, the blood beast
    and having been thus possessed
    Zwénne has become bloodthirsty
    mindlessly violent and cruel
    now a ruthless predator
    whom I have come to slay

    would that this task were not mine
    but I have been charged herewith
    by the supreme council of wizards
    Zwénne is my fallen elder brother
    and by decree, under this 3rd moon
    in the presence of his perverse court
    by my hand alone, he must die

    no turning back now, this must be done
    and I must do it, but I am terrified
    I hesitate at the heavy castle door
    attempting to gain much needed composure
    I slow my heartbeat, steady my breathing
    I lift the iron latch, the lock clicks
    the massive door unseats inwardly

    this is it, fate has dealt the cards
    I am both prisoner and executioner
    trapped hopelessly in this horrible plot
    I search my soul to find the courage
    to take the life of my own flesh & blood
    I swing the door open ever so gradually
    eyes darting, mind racing, heart pounding

    I step in…

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below here to read more poetry on Willow Poetry:


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 13

  • Zak the Protector

  • “In the spirit of video games I wrote a fantasy fable poem. For further fun I used every game name that Sarah posted, and in the exact order she posted them. Hope you like this.”


    Zak the Protector


    the mysterious lady
    in the dark red dress
    fully intended to burrow
    into my immortal soul
    some kind of hellish mine craft

    she was a daughter of diablo
    she was so very young
    but definitely about to blossom
    blasting off to planet gorgeous
    but this beauty was deadly

    she swooped into my life
    as might some space invaders
    swift powerful and cunning
    true to her vowed assassin’s creed
    she was sworn to be the ruin of me

    tempting me with her honey mine
    and I certainly considered it
    luscious as it promised to be
    but I was fully alert to her scheme
    my senses on overwatch

    I was acutely hyper-vigilant
    the portal to my soul
    would not fall open to her
    she would not be my doom
    I knew her dark agenda

    It was foretold in the elder scrolls
    but her tantilizing voice was seductive
    words rolled from her supple lips
    sugar sweet as enchanted candy
    crushing the will of the weak

    but I would not be lost
    not drawn helplessly intoxicated
    into her heady myst of lies
    my destiny was to defeat this devil
    to denounce her evil unreal fantasies

    I am Zak – protector of this safe space
    warning all harboring dark intent
    to steer clear of this sacred realm
    trespassers will feel my power quake
    like a vengeful angered god of war

    my torchlight of blessed welcome
    burns always for the pure of heart
    but I will drive the dark souls
    back down the stoney path of exile
    lost into the pit of the damned

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Playing games at dVerse…

    Games night!

    Click here to read my post to the dVerse prompt: THE KISS

  • Bones Of Rivers


    Bones Of Rivers


    the bones
    of natural rivers

    with the ghosts
    of salmon

    of human disregard
    for nature

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • This poem is inspired by the destruction Pacific Northwest Hydroelectric companies are doing to the regions rivers, and the populations of native fish!


    Click here to discover more harbingers at dVerse.


    Hedone’s Daughter

  • Socially Sidetracked


    Socially Sidetracked


    At 72, I have grown up immersed in a climate of blatant prejudices, and the related verbal slurs. I have also been exposed first hand to the social movements that have arisen to strike out against the prejudices harbored against race, gender, sexual preference, ethnicity, physical disability, age, and others. While not personally engaged in these movements, I have always felt they were just.

    However, I have learned that in addition, I’ve also been “unconsciously” conditioned not to recognize the more subtle prejudices that now have a social light shined upon them. I am not knowingly prejudice because I feel no animosity toward these groups I mentioned. I grew up with, and still have “black” friends, “gay” fellow band members, and a “ Chinese woman” doctor. These are people I value as part of my life. I ‘think’ benignly at times with these adjectives in association with them, never voicing such. There’s no thought or intent of it being a form of prejudice. It is simply what I understand I see when I look.

    I know the terms that I consider derogatory descriptors, find them highly objectionable, and don’t use them, out of respect and decency. But in recent years, exposed to the PC environment, these terms are now prejudicial. It is a very confusing time for this old man. Difficult to be learning that these terms are now considered to be provocative, that I’m apparently hopelessly preconditioned to be insensitive, even prejudiced. There are terms and acronyms today, related to sex and gender, completely unfamiliar to me.

    As I said, this is confusing to this old man. I am trying to learn, but with my health and age essentially isolating me from daily social interaction for the past 8 years – it is hard to know what constitutes evolving PC thinking. Difficult to realize you’re out of step.

    hard to discover
    I’m a stranger in my world
    socially sidetracked

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    dVerse Poetics: On Privilege