Far Beyond


Far Beyond


sorrowful darkness does descend
the hands of chilling grief extend
your forever knocks at the door
losing you I can’t comprehend

I’m drowning in my bitter tears
I am consumed by my worst fears
my soul is broken evermore
as my life’s meaning disappears

barter and pleading stain my lips
slip through my clutching fingertips
scatter useless across the floor
as far beyond your frail life slips

I’m shattered to my very core
it is for mercy I implore
let me delay that open door
to kiss your tender lips once more

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

I wanted there to be believable grief and sorrow, and bargaining – everything that would be a normal part of a deep love relationship when one of the partners departs this earth. At the same time, in the midst of grief, I wanted tenderness. He is distraught, but madly in love still – as he has been for years. This not an easy good bye. I chose the image of the dying rose, because even in its death it holds firmly to that which made it beautiful in life. Just as he tries to hold on to what was beautiful in their relationship. Bitter-sweet!

This poem is 8 syllables per line, exnctly the same as Robert Frost’s “Stopping By A Woods On A Snowy Evening”. The rhyme pattern to my piece here is: AABA CCBC DDBD BBBB


Click here to read my “light filled” rubaiyat

Click here to read a variation of this rubaiyat

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    caught in merciless hesitation
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    fickle muse please
    a spark
    to light this dark
    that grips me like a cage

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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    a sacred chant in rich voice
    as the flames roared
    and they danced

    a hallowed blaze
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    warming you
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    while the sacred fire
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    its embers
    now near ashen
    but still the heart’s aglow

    in a world out of balance
    who will again stir to flame
    their smoldering wisdom
    and dance the steps of knowledge

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • comment on the modern human’s loss of balance with the natural world