Mercy Cup


Mercy Cup


forgive my scorching insults
that bite and sting
where they sizzle still
blistering my careless tongue
charred by regret

would that you allow me
a sip from your mercy cup
to sooth the searing pain
of bitter words
which should never have been spoken

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click here to discover blame & forgiveness at dVerse:

    Blame and Forgiveness

  • Click below here to read more Quadrilles at dVerse:

    Quadrille #74

  • My Old Red Chair

  • This was written in my beloved old red chair.


    My Old Red Chair


    sun sits low on the winter horizon
    the coming night soon will stir
    I sit quietly in my old red chair
    with warm memories gathered ’round me

    forward through the years they’ve come
    memories of those I’ve been well to know
    been blessed to love, and who’ve loved me
    for those now gone beyond – a tender tear

    my heart is full, my spirit calm, my life is sweet
    I surrender to another year in fate’s embrace
    I am grateful for my life, never sought perfection
    I have been given so very much for so very long

    the sun that rises golden to warm the day
    the breeze that wafts soft upon my face
    mountains that rise majestic, covered in old growth
    the rivers, the lakes, the clear mountain streams

    the teeming nature and vital plants
    so plentiful on this beautiful earth
    my precious children and grandchild
    the miraculous moments of their birth

    I have felt the power of the mighty ocean
    breaking on the boulders ‘neath rugged western cliffs
    watched the sun set, coral and golden, into the azure sea
    had the love of a wife, and family, to share this all with me

    would this evening’s reverie never end
    but soon the lingering day will bow its head
    as twilight fades I’ll watch this night descend
    at 72 – grateful where my life has led

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    ”My actual old red chair.”


  • To enjoy some fine poetry at dVerse, click below:

    Ah sweet youth . . .



  • This is a poem of genuine thankfulness. I turned 72-years-old on February 18th. This is a birthday I am exceedingly lucky and tremendously grateful to have ever reached. I am a male brittle diabetic, average life expectancy, 66 years. My heart also failed in April of 2017. Fortunately I was in the hospital recovering from an angioplasty operation. I am now alive, the result of emergency implantation of a Medtronic Pacemaker. So this is definitely a happy birthday – happy beyond measure. Please permit me to share my deep feelings of gratitude in this poem.
  • Farther Beyond


    Farther Beyond


    shadows nod in this dark’ning room
    stain silken curtains soaked with gloom
    ghosts of our love taunt – nevermore
    chained by grief in this gilded tomb

    sorrowful darkness does descend
    the hands of chilling grief extend
    forever’s knocking at the door
    losing you I can’t comprehend

    I’m drowning in my bitter tears
    I am consumed by my worst fears
    my soul is broken evermore
    as my life’s meaning disappears

    barter and pleading stain my lips
    slip through my clutching fingertips
    scatter useless across the floor
    farther beyond your frail life slips

    I’m shattered to my very core
    it is for mercy I implore
    let me delay that open door
    to kiss your tender lips once more

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    This is an expanded and revised version of my poem “Far Beyond”. To further increase the imagery in the piece, an additional stanza was added to open the poem, and other minor revisions made. I still wanted there to be believable grief and sorrow, and bargaining – everything that would be a normal part of a deep love relationship when one of the partners departs this earth. At the same time, in the midst of grief, I wanted tenderness. He is distraught, but madly in love still – as he has been for years. This not an easy good bye. I chose the image of the dying rose, because even in its death it holds firmly to that which made it beautiful in life. Just as he tries to hold on to what was beautiful in their relationship. Bitter-sweet!

    This poem is 8 syllables per line, exnctly the same as Robert Frost’s “Stopping By A Woods On A Snowy Evening”. The rhyme pattern to my piece here is: AABA CCBC DDBD EEBE BBBB


    Click here to read Original version of this rubaiyat

    Click here to read my “light filled” rubaiyat

  • Check out more great poems at dVerse:

    Poetry Forms – The Rubaiyat




  • Just for fun, I took all the “B” rhyme lines from the poem above, and made a separate poem. Interesting!?

    Once More


    ghosts of our love taunt – nevermore
    forever’s knocking at the door
    my soul is broken evermore
    scattered useless across the floor
    I’m shattered to my very core
    it is for mercy I implore
    let me delay that open door
    to kiss your tender lips once more

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


    32AD0E85-B0A5-4D6D-B19A-E51CD04E0C53DAY 18

  • Quench Me

    “promised pleasures secreted in this urgent kiss”

    Quench Me


    scorched by beauty’s torrid flame
    filled with passion’s yearning
    my captive soul is set ablaze
    there’s a fire within me burning

    before I am but all consumed
    quench me with your precious kiss
    if I am to be consumed
    let it be by bliss

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019



  • More kissing at dVerse…

    Quadrille #73: A Prelude to a Kiss

    Click to read “Zak the Protector”, my post to dVerse game night

  • Chimes Of Twilight

    “Sunset” by: Phil Coch

    Chimes Of Twilight


    I am watching the sun as it sits low on the horizon. The hall clock chimes. It’s the hour of twilight. Dusk is slowly advancing, as the chill of night begins to settle on the land. All my daydreams have gone to bed. I sit in quiet solitude, close by the fire, soothed by its crackling glow. But I am not alone. I’m warmed by the memories that I’ve huddled around me.

    From far into the past they drift forward through time. One by one they visit gently. These are memories of those I’ve been blessed to love, and who’ve loved me. I shed a tender tear for each one. There is a sweetness to this reverie, and just a touch of soft regret. In this peaceful moment, my heart is full, my spirit calm.

    Had I my way, this evening would never end. But soon these flames will falter, and the lingering embers will die. The hands of that clock sweep me towards nightfall. Darkness will unfold its deep blanket upon me. I’ll soon surrender to time’s warm embrace.

    in this fading light
    distant memories of love
    shine across the years

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner 2019

    “Folding Time” by: rob kistner

  • Find some excellent poetry at dVerse.

    Haibun Monday: Solitude

    OpenLinkNight #237

  • Gone Before I Left



    Gone Before I Left


    I now move in the world unseen
    I am transparent
    a fading glimpse
    caught in the darkened corner
    of an ever dimming eye

    where once I blocked the sun
    I am but a shadow
    moving between shadows
    at the edge of light
    without form

    once a voice
    that thundered ‘cross the distance
    gripped every ear to listen
    in so doing was well heard
    now hardly but a whisper

    my footsteps
    shook the ground in passing
    now leave but faint a trace
    barely form and then are gone
    as if I’ve never been

    yet here I am
    worn thin and weary
    not strength to hold the hands of time
    not sound to bid a fair goodbye
    quickly disappearing

    dissolving into the dust of age
    gone before I’ve left

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    “Comment on western society’s diminishment of their elders.”


  • Check out more invisibility at dVerse:

    Poetics: Invisible

  • Burglar Moon

    Burglar Moon


    as I lie
    in the dead of night

    burglar moon at the window
    having stolen the colors of this day

    the world chill and quiet

    I wonder
    how thin the veil
    between here and gone

    and what will be the final breath
    the beckoning breeze
    the courier gust
    to part that curtain
    allowing burglar moon
    to lift me
    shed of mortal husk
    and carry me through

    to where
    to what
    I do not know

    only that the day
    the hour
    the moment
    of that theft
    draws ever closer

    as I lie
    in the dead of night

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Check out more shedding at dVerse:

    Shed some light on this today!

  • Morning Magic



    Morning Magic


    the dew drips golden in this place
    wraps trees in crystaline embrace
    as this Spring day breaks rich and chilled
    the morning sun ignites your face

    you approach cloaked in this sunrise
    beneath a sky blue as your eyes
    my spirit sings my heart is thrilled
    your beauty leaves me hypnotized

    bird songs carry on freshened breeze
    flowers wake to the kiss of bees
    my cup of bliss this moment filled
    this magic brings me to my knees

    I feel each day my true love build
    quite certain by the gods it’s willed
    this golden morn sweet tears are spilled
    so thankful for these dreams fulfilled

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • This poem is 8 syllables per line, exactly the same as Robert Frost’s “Stopping By A Woods On A Snowy Evening”. The rhyme pattern to my piece here is: AABA CCBC DDBD BBBB


    Click here to read my “darker” rubaiyat

    Click here to read a second one of my “darker” rubaiyat

  • Check out more great poems at dVerse:

    Poetry Forms – The Rubaiyat