My Old Red Chair

  • This was written in my beloved old red chair.


    My Old Red Chair


    sun sits low on the winter horizon
    the coming night soon will stir
    I sit quietly in my old red chair
    with warm memories gathered ’round me

    forward through the years they’ve come
    memories of those I’ve been well to know
    been blessed to love, and who’ve loved me
    for those now gone beyond – a tender tear

    my heart is full, my spirit calm, my life is sweet
    I surrender to another year in fate’s embrace
    I am grateful for my life, never sought perfection
    I have been given so very much for so very long

    the sun that rises golden to warm the day
    the breeze that wafts soft upon my face
    mountains that rise majestic, covered in old growth
    the rivers, the lakes, the clear mountain streams

    the teeming nature and vital plants
    so plentiful on this beautiful earth
    my precious children and grandchild
    the miraculous moments of their birth

    I have felt the power of the mighty ocean
    breaking on the boulders ‘neath rugged western cliffs
    watched the sun set, coral and golden, into the azure sea
    had the love of a wife, and family, to share this all with me

    would this evening’s reverie never end
    but soon the lingering day will bow its head
    as twilight fades I’ll watch this night descend
    at 72 – grateful where my life has led

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    ”My actual old red chair.”


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    Ah sweet youth . . .



  • This is a poem of genuine thankfulness. I turned 72-years-old on February 18th. This is a birthday I am exceedingly lucky and tremendously grateful to have ever reached. I am a male brittle diabetic, average life expectancy, 66 years. My heart also failed in April of 2017. Fortunately I was in the hospital recovering from an angioplasty operation. I am now alive, the result of emergency implantation of a Medtronic Pacemaker. So this is definitely a happy birthday – happy beyond measure. Please permit me to share my deep feelings of gratitude in this poem.