
… the crossing over …

“Infinite Instance” by: rob kistner © 1997



soon looms the curtain
to lift then step beyond
to see that which
is not shown us here
on this side
of that gossamer veil

unable as we are
in this manifestation
to comprehend
the incomprehensible
the infinite secret
the truth that bursts to light

but when I push beyond
will I ride that light
in all ways through time
simultaneously at once
in that eternal instant
of forever’s open door

existance will be no more
will I be absolute
indivisible from time
absorbed by all of space
a joy so profound
as to be pure energy

…if so, I am ready

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


Gina is hosting at dVerse today. She asked us to think of a background “hum”, currently present in our life, that may be informing our creative vision. This is what appeared for me. On April 13th of 2017, an event occurred in my life, that since has been ever presnt in my mind. It drifts back and forth between the back of my mind and the forefront. My heart stopped while in the hospital on that night, while I was recovering from a heart operation. It led to an urgent implantation of my current Pacemaker. The memory of that episode lingers. It has put me profoundly in touch with my mortality. It also has left me intensely curious about those moments when I was essentially dead, and of which I have no memory. Where was the light which is so often mentioned? I now frequently ponder what the “crossing over” might be like. This is an ecstatic imagining of that.


  • Click below to read about what’s humming on dVerse:

    Poetics -your poetic hum