The Cast

A nature poem in response to Linda Lee Lyberg’s “water” prompt at dVerse.



The Cast


cliff-climbing conifers
stir in the brisk dawn
as breezes waft the gorge
rustle my jacket
nip my cheeks

across the casual rapids
near the stony shore
rainbows surface in slack water
hungrily gulping morning hatch

my most recent offering undulates past
in the glinting chatter of spring flow

I turn

elbow steady
I begin to rotate my lengthy bamboo
behind to two PM.
silently stripping the slender thread
from current’s surface
leaving a razor crease
disappearing quick as it comes

the lacquered rod bends forward as I lift
then slowly flexes back
the line arcs behind in flight
trailing silvery spray

backward pressure builds
as line nears full unfurling
but just before
a smooth return
slowly brings the shaft
again to ten AM

I feel the forward pull of the soaring mass
as overhead the line recoils

the glass-green fiber
rolls out ahead
over azure ripples

the singing strand painting an “S”
in the cloudless sky

and quiet
the line is re-wed to stream

the feathered morsel at the tip
offered yet again
coaxing a ready trout
to rise
and strike

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

  • Click below for more water magic at dVerse:

    Poetics: Water, Water Everywhere


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    A pair of Tankas in response to Linda Lee Lyberg’s “water” prompt at dVerse.


    memories of you
    ripples on a mirrored lake
    rise and drift gently
    into the golden sunlight
    carrying me on their crest


    Joie de Vivre
    clear blue summer sky
    deep azure crystalline lake
    cool breeze on my face
    fresh scent of water lilies
    ripples gently lap the boat

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • painting entitled “Fisherman” by: Vane Kosturanov
  • Click below for more water magic at dVerse:

    Poetics: Water, Water Everywhere


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