Homeward Journey

  • This is a micro poem of 12 lines, 55 words.
  • 8AEBDC4E-96E0-4033-AED9-E7F594265CEE
    Artwork by M. C. Escher.

    Homeward Journey


    here by the boulevard
    arriving last night as rain
    we puddle on this empty lot
    nestled in these treaded ruts
    resting before our homeward journey
    when we’ll rejoin earth’s waters

    evaporating skyward
    penetrating the earth
    we are tenacious, persistent
    always seeking our natural level
    breaking beyond futile bounds
    returning to our azure mother – the sea

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

  • Click on “Toads” below for more micro poetry:



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