Hoping To Fly


  • Buller Shearwater gliding the Pacific Ocean, below the Ecola cliffs, Oregon.
    Author’s note: On the Oregon Coast, about an hour west of where I lived for 25 years, is a wonderful little artist’s village called Cannon Beach. The beach is vast and rambling and features an amazing natural wonder called Haystack Rock. Its name explains its shape, but you must see it to understand its incredible mass.


  • Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, Oregon, on Oregon Coast.

  • Just north along the coast lies Ecola State Park, where you will find a beautiful meadow hugging the very top edge of a towering ocean cliff. From this lofty viewpoint you look over the vast ocean, waves crashing below you.


  • Ecola State Park Pacific Ocean cliffs, Oregon Coast.
  • The cliffs, with slivers of white beach at their feet, stretch left and right as far as you can see – broken occasionally by a widened expanse of sand. To the left, as you face the Pacific Ocean, tucked into just such a widened expanse, is the village of Cannon Beach. To your right is Indian Beach, mildly famous as the setting for the film, Point Break, which starred Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze.

    This cliff-top meadow’s vista is absolutely breathtaking — soul-stirring. It served as the inspiration for “Hoping To Fly”.


  • Indian Beach, North Oregon Coast – gazing west into forever.

    Hoping To Fly


    I stand at land’s end
    atop a soaring precipice
    jutting into the Pacific

    observing a seabird suspended in flight
    aloft on the sea breeze
    billowing up and wafting down the cliff

    I’m mesmerized

    stretching before me
    undulating azure blue
    falling away
    over earth’s edge
    into forever

    unfurling below
    a white ribbon of sand
    a breath between eternal sea
    and towering rock facades
    flanking left and right
    in sweeping panorama

    a breeze freshens
    tosses my hair
    I shudder
    bracing against vertigo
    swept up in a feeling

    oh to be un-tethered
    no longer earthbound

    my soul
    like that seabird
    takes wing
    soaring skyward

    the freedom of feathered wing
    over hollow bone

    riding the thermals
    climbing ever upward


    diving earthward
    wings tucked
    rocketing to the sea
    to sail out ‘cross wavecrest
    bank left to the boulderd jetty
    to flutter back in pull up
    glide down silently
    to land soft as a fallen leaf
    atop the mighty boulders
    of Indian Beach Point

    the true miracle of flight

    my heart drifts
    back to mother earth
    full – intoxicated
    rich with this experience

    observing a seabird
    suspended in flight
    riding the Pacfic Ocean cliffs


  • Indian Beach Jetty, North Oregon Coast – storm comin’!

  • ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2007
    revision © 2019

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    Open Link Night #241


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