The Dark Dock

This is inspired by memories from the 1950’s when my father and I would fish, well into the night in the Canadian wilderness. Coming back, with “little blue”, our 25 HP Evinrude pushing us through the damp, foggy darkness, traversing the treacherous rocky ‘narrows’ that connected the chain of lakes we fished.

Huge boulders lurked ominously in the clear, cold water. Motor off, dad would carefully row and pole our way through, with the bow-hung Coleman lantern’s yellow glow to guide us — and me at the bow of the boat with a hand-held Rayovac spotlight, visually probing the dark depths. The huge submerged rocks, appearing from out of the darkness like some beast, coming into the penetrating beam of my light, were indeed spooky, and gave me a shiver — still do.

Each season several fishermen would take out the bottom of their wood boats on an unseen rock. Bear and wolves lived in the forests, so one did not want to trek for miles through the pitch black of night. Making our way, weary and wet, back to our little island’s dark wooden dock was slow and eerie – but thrilling!

photo collage: “The Dock” – rob kistner © 2009

The Dark Dock


fog rolls low over the boat
slowly cloaked
by the ghostly shroud

the lone light
hangs heavy
from the bow ring

throws its yellowed glow
into the damp night

searching its beam
fractured ‘cross the chop water
probing for the dark dock

for home

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 08/13/09
revised © 2019


  • Check out more poems on Toads


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • The Ache!

    “Heartache” by: Jaime Best


    The Ache!


    there is a darkness
    of the broken soul
    so deep
    it stirs the tongue
    of the brooding poet
    loosing a torrent of sorrow
    so rich with longing
    the hearts of all who read
    will ache
    for their one true love
    lost forever
    to fate

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below for more rich poetry at dVerse:

    Quadrille #80 – Eat the Rich


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Unbridled

    This piece is inspired by a long-time friend, and former business partner. Barry was healthy and athletic through high school and college, and later an excellent graphic artist. Now he’s relegated by MS to the confines of an electric wheel chair. He loved to dance and enjoyed my band in younger years. He has never let the chair stop him. Though he doesn’t walk now, and has lost the effective use of the left side of his body (he is/was left handed) he has never stopped smiling or going to watch live music performed. He has become a superb photographer, learning to master the right side of his body. He also still loves hot rods, a passion he and I share. Barry is now 73, still going strong. This is for you my buddy.



    “Dedicated with love & respect to my forever friend, Barry!”


    that is unquestionably joy
    in a most unexpected place
    in the eyes of a battled warrior
    cruel society deems disabled

    bent and stooped
    by fate – struck down
    confined to his rolling metal chair

    his gentle eyes still reflect a wonder
    by my soul sometimes misplaced
    by my self-pity displaced

    his timeless spirit knows only belief
    it pours forth from his being

    his person full alive
    his essence full aware
    wholly in the now

    positioned close to the modest stage
    he is enraptured by the rhythm
    enthralled by the magic
    captured by his lens

    the band plays fast
    the band plays slow
    the band plays loud
    the band plays low

    he is filled with every note
    every beat
    every nuance

    he rocks
    and rolls
    and snaps snaps snaps

    he experiences an ecstasy
    which I watch with marvel

    its purity and power
    I am challenged to equal

    I now realize
    just how much
    I do not understand
    about struggle
    about pride
    as I behold this able man

    faint envy stirs
    as I witness his unbridled joy

    so complete
    and unpretentious

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019

    Barry, with beloved hot rod.

    Click below to read more poems at dVerse:

    OpenLinkNight #243


    Photogtaper Barry, with wife Roz, and some of his “one-handed” work.





    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.