Arms Of My Angel

This song by Sarah McLachlan, “In The Arms Of An Angel” always makes me break down. She was my son, Aaron Robert Kistner’s favorite vocalist. He listened to her “Fumbling Towards Ecstasy” album all the time. He said she had the most beautiful voice on earth. Hearing this song takes me deep into memories of my sweet angel. My son Aaron died in his 18th year, just prior to entering college to study music. He was a very handsome, kind, and gentle young man – and a fabulous singer. I miss him so, everyday. My arms ache to hold him close just once more. Here is a poem I condensed today, from a much longer version I wrote immediately following his tragic death in a horrible auto accident.


Arms Of My Angel


It may be my favorite picture of you, son,
the one I cherish most since your passing.

A simple snapshot,
taken at the airport,
upon your return
from having run the New York City Marathon.

A gentle, triumphant smile,
eyes beaming behind those “way cool” shades,
jacket sleeves rolled in casual hip-ness,
bag thrown so carefree over your shoulder,
medal dangling proudly from your strong neck.

The victor: gentle, cool, hip, carefree, proud, and strong,
— fiercely handsome!

How profound this captured moment proved to be.

Taken just before the finish line of your 18 years,
it said it all.

Your race is run,
your bag is packed,
your reward’s in hand.

Fly my sweet angel – fly!

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

For more tears at dVerse:

Poetics: Cry Me A River


Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.