Hope Shattered

”A sad contemplation of the current undermining of basic human rights and human decency, as well as the blatant distortion of truth and the outright contempt for the rule of law. This seriously jeopardizes the hard-won freedoms for which many have struggled, even died, and which most in this country have long embraced.”


Hope Shattered


we cannot hide
from the great orb
of unquestioning fate

that spins in the spaces
of destiny’s light and dark
days of falter and fear
in this great void approaching

that moves
unsteady in orbit
of unquenchable doubt

what your mind must conceal
from the spirit
of joy and forgiveness

that which is pure
tested by time
and the wanting hands
of the waiting
who cower
yet smile

singing truth
through the hail and barrage
‘cross the bow mast
of freedom
seeking broad measure and berth

as all that you seem to desire
slips slowly away
like rain down a spout
and nightmares plumb deep
the sphere of black dreams

such is the slag-shattered
glass orb of the future
that moves slowly
through the arc of the ages
who’ve waited and watched
‘neath the promised moon
of deliberate ancients

that revolves
in the void of the others
that seek what we know
to be ever
the voice of the lost

in the light of the dark dawning
that heralds the word
of this time that’s upon us

that holds us fast
in the fear of bleak visions
and of longing
for all that we desire to be
here in our heart

so elusive
in this moment
that slips
like a squandered teardrop

forever away from
our loosening grasp

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • Faces

    You must scroll down and listen to bill frisell immediately arter you read!




    the eyes seem wise
    but the eyes are sad
    the eyes are tired

    yet the eyes are so familiar

    the nose
    the mouth
    the chin

    staring back
    the one I think I am
    want to be

    but a longer look
    deeper into the eyes
    beneath the transparent surface
    reflected subtle in the silver
    there is another
    one only I recognize

    caught in the looking glass
    is my other self
    inner self
    the one I truly am

    the weak flawed one
    frightened and unsure

    the pretender
    hoping that my guise holds fast
    that I’m not found out
    exposed in my glaring imperfection

    a shudder breaks the stare

    I blink
    and check my teeth
    my hair
    tug straight my collar
    making sure the mask is tight

    best face forward

    a final glance
    I smile away the doubt

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2012
    revised © 2019


    This is the brilliant Bill Frisell, guitarist & cosmic seer.

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    Faces to Ponder

    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.