Dance of Fire



Dance of Fire


he feels the weight of her hip
pressing against his
the flesh of her thigh
soft between his
the warmth
as she responds

a heat spreads through them
a quickening of pulse
as they ignite
passion overtaking them

he reaches ’round her
firmly encircling her waist
with his strong arm

he pulls her to him
with the power of his body
she acquiesces fully
folding upon him
as they begin a dance
of dizzying desire

his pleasure
red hot and husky
on her ear and cheek
her head tilts back
her blue eyes close
as slowly they turn
together they churn
building in lustful pace

they dance and dance
spinning and spinning
whirling in a carnal fire
a tempest of sensation

they melt together
in fevered bliss
matching breath for breath

his lips
soft on the nape of her neck
willingly offered
as they’re overcome
smoldering in love’s embrace

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019



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