




late afternoon descends upon this land
my homeward stride — ever brisk and steady
held golden in the downing sun’s embrace

early shadows fall softly ‘cross my face
as peaceful vesper’s rich velvet blanket
drapes its soothing comfort ‘round my shoulders

eager I keep pace — as ends my journey
drawn by the beauty rendered before me
splendored by the rising moon in sunset

I’m welcomed by the freshened eve’ning breeze
as sundown’s amber wanes upon the lane
last light slips slow over far horizon

fog soon will rise and waft — full in moonlight
as darkness falls quiet on the valley
our home hearth’s glow will warm chill silvered night

my heart soars — lifted by this wondrous sight
our sterling stream cascades its serenade
to enwrap my soul in tender homesong

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out the coming evening at Toads