Cruel Verse

I am not a big fan of strict-form structured poetry. This form is called a sestina, and was written in response to a prompt at dVerse Poets. This form was quite challenging, so I wrote a tongue-in-cheek sestina in response. Please read lightheartedly.


Cruel Verse


this poet slumps before you soul in chains
my witty sense of humor quickly waning
trying to pursue this poetic violation
this form of 6 times 6 plus 3 is cruelty
it’s a soul-debilitating stifling threat
it traps my free-thinking in consternation

how can I avoid this creative consternation
and free my poet’s soul from these chains
I must resist this frightful pending threat
I fear my will to fight is slowly waning
as my poet’s spirit suffers this cruelty
can my true voice survive this violation

I must stand strong against this violation
stimulate my voice ‘midst this consternation
shield my free expression from this cruelty
my soul must not falter ‘neath these chains
resolve must be steady — be never waning
it’s imperative I withstand this awful threat

is it fair a poet be subjected to such threat
why must I confront such heartless violation
you see why my resistance might be waning
entangled in this creative consternation
and the pressing weight of these heavy chains
you must admit that this is unusual cruelty

I know that others here now face this cruelty
and must also stare down this unseemly threat
others here endure the heft of these same chains
I am not the only one who feels the violation
many victims here caught in this consternation
likely feeling their courage is ever waning

my love of pure free verse is never waning
I steadfastly rebuke this attempt at cruelty
I will not be swayed by foolish consternation
nor will I cower to this mean but failed threat
my poet’s voice will overcome this violation
I’ll wield my poet’s pen to break the chains

free of poetic consternation, my creativity’s no longer waning
chains on my poet’s soul are broken, I am beyond the cruelty
no more threat to my free thinking, I’ve survived the violation

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to read other sestinas at dVerse:

    Poetry Form: Sestina