In Darkness

“This is my poetic expression of what the “night terrors”, I have experienced all my life, feel like to me. My “night terrors” are actually traumatic, ‘imageless’ dreams, that fill me with so much deep dread that I often wake up moaning loudly. It is a type of nocturnal madness from which I wake completely disoriented and terrified. Once awake and composed, I am usually unwilling to attempt to quickly return to sleep. It seriously scares my wife when they happen to me.”

“Descent Into Madness” by: Rob Kistner

In Darkness


In darkness I’m down, with drum-thrummed head,
steep-steering the black nocturnal nest,
perversely born fantazury,
fresh hatched night’s mad menagerie.

Scream-bringing hoard of twisted truth,
zoom-zooming in this blue-black world,
called forth to gorge in ghastly feast,
first stir, they roust — then gore the beast.

Dark distressing visions overflow,
madness stabbing with a brain-jolt pierce,
disgusting curiosities,
brute-flung to hideousity.

Jerk and lunge these soul-cleaved demons,
death scratch-scratching through doomsday’s door.
Perverted serendipity,
they swarm in crazed horrorifity.

Flaying bone-toed my synapses,
hell’s fleshless hounds devour my peace.
Mind-ghouls shake and shiver me.
Oh gentle morne, deliver me.

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more “mad” poems at dVerse:

    Tuesday Poetics: Making much of Madness