Our Clearing

“This is 144 words, can be read like fiction, but it is lyrical fact.”

“Redwood Clearing” by: Jeffrey Favero © 2014

Our Clearing


Last time you flew to visit, son, we walked our favorite woods. We both love its magic. That perfect June morning, we journeyed deep into that ancient wood, to our favorite spot — our secreted old-growth clearing.

The morning sun softly filtered through the forest canopy, drifting golden into our sacred space, setting your handsome face aglow. A breeze rustled the treetops, whispering of eternity, casting a spell.

Awed by the splendor, we talked quietly, leaning on the downed Douglas that’s slumbered there, perhaps centuries, peaceful in its earthen repose. You were eighteen, off to college soon, so excited — I was beaming pride.

In that moment, time suspended, life aligned for a perfect memory — my very last of many I treasure of you. Three weeks later you were tragically killed. These memories were left here with the trees, in our clearing, where we talk — still.

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry among the trees at dVerse:

    Prosery: Memories with the Trees

  • Forbidden Forest

    “This is 144 word Flash Fiction, rooted in today’s dark truths.”


    Forbidden Forest


    The fog rolled ‘cross the lowlands, a smothering damp and languid chill, dense with dread — ominous and threatening. Twilight having receded, moonlight labored hard, shouldering its way through the thickening shroud.

    The gnarled shape of leaf-dead trees, with their spindly spiked branches, thrust skyward, knobbed and twisted. Their trunks bending and swaying threateningly.

    Muffled deep within the gloom of the grove, a throbbing drone of seeming voices rose in dark entangled chant. A menacing disembodied presence spoke, “this night you will experience memories of glory, memories of wealth and memories of conquests, lustful memories of sensuous willing lovers, and memories of powerful magic, conjured by deft hands.”

    “But these memories were left here with the trees, forever concealed by your ancestors. You may desire to possess these seductive memories, but any such wish will drive you mad. Understand, these memories can never be yours!”

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more poetry among the trees at dVerse:

    Prosery: Memories with the Trees