Lover’s Kiss


Lover’s Kiss


sing to me my sweet sweet lover
songs sung soft as silk and satin
sensual as a bare embrace

promise me the world is ours
that this perfect moment’s endless
lift me up on rapture’s cloud

make melody set soar our souls
fill our hearts with passion’s fire
smother me in scorched caresses

kiss me kisses like honeyed cream
that quench my quivering naked lips
as they softly smoulder golden

come to me and take me timeless
enfold me in your deepest dreams
carry me off to ecstasy

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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  • Red Roofs

    “A tale of lust and longing.”

    “On the red roofs of Paris,” by Grazyna Tarkowska,


    Red Roofs


    let it flare fire red
    red as the roofs of Paris
    that conceal the carnal
    on a starburst night

    in the throes
    of sweating conquest
    ripe with release
    coursing with hunger
    for the tender flesh
    of reckless youth

    white hot
    as a deflowered bride
    burning with the lust
    of an august first-night
    impaled on the horn
    of promise and desire

    there will be no truth
    in these minglings
    only raw bleeding need
    and the quenchless thirst
    for bittersweet
    forbidden nectar

    when you hear
    the whispers whispered
    know that it was so
    and so it will remain
    in the lithe loins
    of the skin slaves
    aflame under red roofs

    ”Harlot” by Andrew Atroshenko,

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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  • The Beast


    The Beast


    I am the beast
    of your myth
    of your nightmare

    I am sustained
    by this damp pall
    that descends upon me
    this season of growing darkness

    that wraps ’round
    my vile countenance
    fevered with your fatigue
    twisted with your despair

    drawn forth yearly
    at this feast of death
    I stumble
    damaged by your sin
    unleashed now
    upon a broken world
    corrupted by illusion
    spoiled by arrogance

    a world in chaos
    as darkness deepens

    this nocturne
    I return
    with this ruin-riddled
    bloody horde
    of dying dreams
    violated innocence
    merciless destruction

    of horrific death
    of guilt
    of shame

    and so
    I stumble on
    bent by the weight of your evil
    drowned in drenching sorrow

    I slink angry
    into this coming night
    the next night
    the night that follows
    that always follows

    of your horrendous nightmare
    of unbridled brutality

    always your prisoner
    in this forlorn world

    seeking vengeance

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2019


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