Gratitude & Balance

“Hybrid haibun with dual haikus.”

digital rendering: ”Gaia Provides” — by: rob kistner © 1997

Gratitude & Balance


Precious mother Gaia, you embrace us with your love. You carry us safely as we hurtle thousands of miles, every hour, of every day, through infinite space. You provide for us our every need. You sustain our bodies with your abundant bounty. You nurture our spirits with your beauty and endless wonders.

seeds push seeking sun
sky pulls with precious spring rain
gaia yields new life

Your need is simple. That we live in balance with your rhythms, and with our fellow travelers on this amazing journey. You ask that we know gratitude, as humble stewards of your countless gifts. That we live in harmony, attentive and reverent. But we’ve grown arrogant. Foolishly we believe we have dominion over you, over all in your realm. In pursuit of intellect, feeding ego, we have lost our sense of equilibrium, lost our way.

Now we suffer, as we watch you suffer. Please forgive us. Be patient, do not forsake us. We can learn, as we must learn. Precious mother gaia, grant us time to again find our way, our humility, our center — to again find the gratitude, the balance.

we seek dominion
frail balance has been disturbed
gaia is weeping

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click below to check out more haibun of gratitude at dVerse:

    Haibun Monday 11/24/19: Gratitude