Dual Worlds

Behind this curtain, Chrissa at Sunday Muse, suggests 2020 unfolded.
~ exploding Pandemic, escalated racism, failed fascist coup in U.S.~

Dual Worlds


month after month
I gaze forlornly
‘cross pooled hatred
through diseased vert curtain’s fall
at a fractured mirror’s reflection
of a waking nightmare

a glaring hallucination
a pulsing passion play
of a polarized reality

dual worlds
close enough to touch
but too far apart to engage

through which truth
stumbles blind
beyond reach
or reason
or connection with either

walking as wraiths
through fevered empty streets
moving in these worlds
captive to the bone-white lies of both
implicit in their toxic grins
of inflexible conformity

lethal tradition
revered in mindless trance


shackled to the stone of fear
with a grip rough as rope


bound at the shadowed edge
of dark and light
plague and cure
repression and justice
ignorance and knowledge


but possible

so beckon the dawn
summon the morn
there is far to go
and much to learn
rising from this dark night

someone needs first
release the light

perhaps torchbearers emerge

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021


San Francisco 2:00 PM Friday in Summer 2020.

To check out more poetry at The Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE

Check out yet more poetry in The P&ST pantry: CLICK HERE


This poem is inspired by two lines, the end couplet, which I had scribbled down in 2009, in my volume of writing notes. I rediscovered them this winter, and wanted to use them since. This is the time. I do not remember if they are mine.




the afterimage has yet to dim
emblazoned in my mind
the sun fresh on the horizon
my eyes follow your graceful silhouette
moving away from me
the taste of you
sweet on my lips

my gaze held fast
until there was nothing
just the rising sun
that segued our tender night
to the promise of another

but promises
are so frail and fleeting
like the brittle leaves of autumn
like tears of joy
like the taste of you
sweet on my lips

if you are lucky
you will carry one night with you

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021


An incredible song about moving on in life after loss/change, despite uncertainty.

To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

Soul Full

“they are not like any trees we know, they are ambassadors from another time” John Steinbeck


Soul Full


I find peace in the ancient
old growth
my spirit embraces the magnificent
my heart slows its beating
my thoughts see the timeless truth
in this moment I celebrate life

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021


  • If you are drawn to the beauty of trees, I strongly suggest you view this amazing video. “Living Among Trees”: CLICK HERE *then click “watch episode” taking you to HBOmax link when you arrive.
  • To check out more poetry in The P&ST pantry: CLICK HERE
  • Hold Fast

    …a bit of ecstatic envisioning about lost hope…


    Hold Fast


    fragile possibility
    gripped in the freeze of time
    compressed and cracked

    the slag-shattered
    glass of the future
    moves frail and slow
    through the arc of the ages
    who’ve waited and watched
    at the waning of truth
    ‘neath the brittled moon
    of deliberate ancients

    a fractured orb
    that revolves in the void
    of the others that see
    what we knew to be
    ever the voice of the lost
    in plaintive cries
    to the light of the dawning
    that heralds the word
    of this time that’s upon us

    I am the bud and the blossom
    I am the late-falling leaf

    I am the arc fulfilled
    of the here and the now
    to hold us firm in the fire
    of visions and longing
    for what we were
    and for all that we are to be
    here in our heart
    of this moment eternal
    that seeks to flee
    like a squandered teardrop
    forever away from
    our failing grasp

    hold fast

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2021

    NOTE: italicized lines are from Paul Dunbar’s “The Paradox”.


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    I’m Pissed!


    I’m Pissed!


    trash comments
    to throw away
    nearly thirty

    spend more time trashin’
    than I do replyin’
    the shit keeps comin’
    it’s so damned tryin’

    scams and porno
    just on and on
    fuckin’ frustrating
    keeps up — I’m gone

    I wanna write poetry
    not fight stupidity

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2021


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE




    a stare of ice-hot emerald green
    burns above a fiery mouth
    that takes you in devouring
    bares your soul, then spits you out

    fiercely knowing — worldly wise
    sleek as steel — tall and strong
    swift and cunning — motor running
    she might let you in, but not for long

    her soul is free — she’ll not be caged
    no mortal man will keep her tied
    her spirit a prrr-fect beast enraged
    she’s crushed all those who’ve ever tried

    poor fool who craves this comely goddess
    is hopelessly addicted
    there’s only one word for this life-force
    that word, my friend, is — wicked!

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021


    -<~ David Bowie, Janet Jackson are “Black Cat People!” ~>-

    To check out more poetry at The Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE

    To check out more poetry in The P&ST psntry: CLICK HERE






    birth day

    february 18th

    the date
    of the month
    I was born

    74 years ago

    so — wha’cha’ thinkin’?
    happy — birth — day

    not if you’d been there

    I was an “undesired”
    an inconvenient child
    a discard
    to be thrown away

    though I was healthy
    had all my fingers
    all my toes
    and lungs of a tenor

    no matter

    I was labeled — MISTAKE!
    a problem

    to be left behind

    I was placed
    in a cold metal orphanage crib
    with others
    like me

    in a big
    cold room

    by strange
    amorphous figures

    I had been tried
    for my early life
    to know confusion

    know shame

    know the sorrow
    of the unwanted

    without ever
    my accusers

    we’d won the big war
    over there

    in here
    my battle had just begun

    and for the next few years
    struggle I did

    but some of that’s
    for another story
    which does include a hero

    here I was

    guilty only
    of the crime
    of inconvenience

    it is my birth day

    happy / birth / day —- huh?

    apparently not for all
    who were present that day

    happy birthday?


    lotsa ole friends have passed away
    COVID-19’s running astray
    normal life is on delay
    the world’s nerves are in a fray

    but hey
    as for me today
    I’m doin’ — OK!

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner
    original draft © 2/18/63
    current edit © 2/18/21


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    Real Teal

    When green met blue and the moon, things got real surreal teal.

    Real Teal


    I’m the shade
    wandering your dreams
    but pieces of me
    stick to whomever
    I deep delve

    you may have seen me
    silhouetted against your sky
    in coldest February
    howling green
    with the blue frozen moon

    a duet
    to make colors run
    and coyotes
    cower in their dens

    I am teal
    a trickster
    some know me as blue
    others as green
    in fact
    I am not quite either
    yet both

    moon and I are friends
    we run through your dreams
    from room
    to imaginary room
    your whole world
    close enough to touch

    we eat a midnight lunch
    embellished with foreign lands
    seasoned by your thoughts
    onion layered

    your thoughts
    are too heavy to hold

    show mercy
    peel back the layers

    thin by thin
    skin by skin
    peel them
    to the quivering quick
    the blue-green quick

    my thoughts
    split deep
    the bone-white lies
    of morality plays
    open for you to see

    hope they’re not terrifying
    in your sight

    hope they do not
    make you cry
    hope they do not
    make you blue
    or green
    as you peel back
    all the layers

    onioned thought layers
    held firm
    like a carapace
    to which
    I’m stitched
    and welded
    and can no more leave
    than you can enter

    they tie me down
    but sometimes
    barely so
    survivor that I am

    the inescapable optimism
    in my barebones grin
    flashes teal
    in the brittle moonlight
    exposing forgotten creases
    and clandestine gateways
    to your mind

    someone can learn
    a thing or two tonight
    if someone
    will ignite the light
    the real teal light

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021





    I went out to the hazel wood
    because a fire was in my head
    for I knew hazel would
    offer me a welcomed bed

    She invites me in demurely, beautiful in her velvet robe, which she wears stunningly, stroking it with delicate fingers of soft silken hands.

    I’ve watched her linger, gliding into it, embracing it to her breasts, and wrapping it ’round her slender shoulders. I’ve seen her tingle with excitement, surrendering to its touch.

    Oh would this night I were that velvet, that drapes her lilting essence, falls in graceful folds, fondling her lithe form, as she ascends the stairs. The lush fiber rises on her breasts, with each soft subtle sigh, caressing her enticingly. This sunset evening it keeps her perfect body warm.

    oh would I have that velvet
    that fires my swooning head
    but this night
    no — just a bed

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE


    When a powerful love runs its course, heartbreak pulls no punches.




    you hit like a cloudburst
    a thunderstorm of love
    kisses hot as lightning
    striking from above

    your tempest pulled no punches
    I was swept up in its force
    but now the winds have died
    this storm has run its course

    my thoughts are chilled and cloudy
    my eyes are steady rain
    my heart’s caught in a cold front
    bad weather’s bringing pain

    warm winds may return
    perhaps so clear blue skies
    but my heart will ever yearn
    t’see that sunburst in your eyes

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021


    For more poems at Poets and Storytellers United: CLICK HERE


    “Indigo Sky Mares” by: Laurel Burch




    – NOTE: “jumping” as in steeplechase. –

    I am hunkered down
    leaned forward low
    my knees gripped firm
    to stay fluid in the flow

    rising effortlessly high
    t’ward clouds of pearl white
    clearing every hurdle
    landing sure and light

    steed of goddess magic
    possessed of purest heart
    endurance that’s olympic
    ride’s steady from the start

    I gallop her freely reined
    letting soar the sterling soul
    her spirit not restrained
    the joy of freedom is the goal

    arching gracefully through the air
    jumping an indigo sky mare

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021


    Dig Mick and Flo here! Incredible!

    To check out more poetry at The Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE





    I stand at land’s end
    atop a soaring precipice
    jutting into the Pacific
    observing an Osprey

    it’s suspended in flight
    aloft on the westerly breeze
    billowing up
    then wafting down the cliff

    I’m mesmerized

    stretching before me
    undulating azure blue
    falling away
    over earth’s edge
    into forever

    unfurling below
    a white ribbon of sand



    a breath between eternal sea
    and towering rock facades
    flanking left and right
    in sweeping panorama

    Indian Beach
    the Oregon Coast
    in all it’s majesty

    this is my summer perch
    since first I discovered it
    thirty years ago

    now it offers me brief refuge
    from the COVID pandemic
    sweeping the world

    my thoughts are adrift

    just then
    the breeze freshens
    disrupts my reverie
    tosses my hair
    buffers my chest

    I shudder
    bracing against vertigo
    swept up in a feeling

    oh to be un-tethered
    no longer earthbound
    like that Osprey

    my eyes close
    my soul lifts
    takes wing
    soars skyward

    I’m flying!

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021

    To read “Cloudburst”, the companion piece: CLICK HERE


    Come fly with Michael Hedges!

    http://www.image-verse.com/cloudburst Airborne down the Oregon Coast! Hold On!

    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    Want to know more about my beloved Oregon Coast? Check this out.

    For more work at Poets & Storytellers: CLICK HERE

    Shroom Shroom

    “With a nod to Alice in Wonderland”


    Shroom Shroom



    while strolling this ridge alone — unaware
    through tall sun-drenched trees I happen to glance
    a valley that nature conceals with care
    a magical realm where woodland nymphs dance

    I can not believe the wonders I see
    wee sprites join the dance — then fairies — then elves
    this enchanted vale awhirl below me
    mythical spirits enjoying themselves

    dare I go down there and join in the fun
    my mind is spinning – of course I must dare
    so down the mountainside quickly I run
    then burst through the trees – but nothing is there

    how can this be they were just here – but wait
    could this perhaps be that mushroom I ate

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021

    “and a cap tip to Ms Slick”


    – a bit of bolero for your enjoyment –

    To check out more mushroom magic at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    – Now, to echo Grace’s words, this is ”some kinda mushroom”!





    you’re golden in winter’s sunrise
    neath skies blue as your eyes
    I thrill to your sweet kiss
    a beauty to hypnotize

    early songbirds will know spring’s breeze
    crocus will know the embrace of bees
    my heart’s bursting with bliss
    for I know love’s ecstasy

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    Trouble In Dry Gulch

    I was reading an article about the troubling amount of child abuse going on behind the closed doors of isolated quarantine. I wanted to share this I’d written. I had a very difficult childhood, in an extremely chaotic and upsetting home environment, dominated by an extremely manic, paranoid-schizophrenic, racist grandmother. Life was disrupted daily by her bizarre ravings, which continued from my childhood until her death in my high school years. Her daughter refused to institutionalize her. We just tried to hide her away, and when she’d get out — my adoptive father, and later I as well, apologized to the neighbors, the police, and the FBI for her insane backyard and telephone ramblings. We’d clean up the messes she’d make around tge neighborhood. She would chase any friends who tried to visit me away with brooms and mops, cursing horrendously while doing so. We lived a strange, isolated life because of her. I just escaped into fantasy. I survived and overcame this madness. I introduce you to my imaginary childhood friend that got me through it all. His name was Big Bob. In the heart of a terrified young boy, he was more than real…


    Trouble In Dry Gulch


    you were my truest friend
    my steady rock of safety
    my captain of escape
    you were always there

    the amazing man of magic
    the hero of the weak
    defender of the helpless
    my always gentle friend

    when the footsteps in the hall
    woke me in the night
    I would feel you tug my hand
    and under we would go

    through the secret passage
    you kept beneath my bed
    to the waiting viking ships
    and off to fight the dragons

    in the land of snow and castles
    carved from clear blue ice
    in flowing robes of fur
    we struck with swords of gold

    you were very brave
    in the face of fear
    I knew you would appear
    never laughing at my tears

    when the grating metal rasp
    of door latch in the dark
    would bolt me from my sleep
    you would have the horses ready

    we would thunder off to dry gulch
    to wrangle up our posse
    save the townfolk from the bad guys
    and return when all was calm

    you were very swift
    in a snap you would arrive
    in time to get me out alive
    helping me survive

    below the ocean we would dive
    in your crystal submarine
    down to the coral world
    marveling at the creatures

    we would leave the sub
    to swim among the wonders
    to dart and spin and float
    far from pain and worry

    you were very smart
    my midnight flight arranger
    you knew to rocket us from danger
    far from any evil stranger

    we would soar to venus
    in your special silver starship
    or to some other distant planet
    and do battle with space monsters

    and when they all were slain
    we would fly the milky way
    circle round the bright star clusters
    thankful to be weightless

    no matter how afraid
    I knew that you would find me
    knew you’d never judge me
    I knew how much you loved me

    knew you’d have me back by day break
    with the dark night far behind us
    and the warmth of welcomed morning
    would once again embrace us

    the midnight footsteps now are quiet
    the ships and rockets sailed away
    no more trouble comes to dry gulch
    the crystal sub so long in dry dock

    my final adventure now unfolds
    it’s time I go this one alone
    you have traveled on ahead
    all nightmares brought to stead

    I’m not sure I ever thanked you
    perhaps took your love for granted
    without you I’d never made it
    you are emblazoned ever in my heart

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021

    first draft: 1997

    My ultimate hero was my adoptive father, in whom I finally confided.


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE