Shroom Shroom

“With a nod to Alice in Wonderland”


Shroom Shroom



while strolling this ridge alone — unaware
through tall sun-drenched trees I happen to glance
a valley that nature conceals with care
a magical realm where woodland nymphs dance

I can not believe the wonders I see
wee sprites join the dance — then fairies — then elves
this enchanted vale awhirl below me
mythical spirits enjoying themselves

dare I go down there and join in the fun
my mind is spinning – of course I must dare
so down the mountainside quickly I run
then burst through the trees – but nothing is there

how can this be they were just here – but wait
could this perhaps be that mushroom I ate

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021

“and a cap tip to Ms Slick”


– a bit of bolero for your enjoyment –

To check out more mushroom magic at dVerse: CLICK HERE

– Now, to echo Grace’s words, this is ”some kinda mushroom”!