My Killer’s Mouth

I received a marksman’s medal as an Army Reserve Officer Trainee
Now I hate guns, and I hate war!


  • NOTE: this is written with my deepest respect for the men and women, past and present, sent into the teeth of hell to fight, kill, suffer, and sometimes die. This is a heartfelt thank you for what they endure, and a quiet tear for what is so often sadly lost.
    My Killer’s Mouth


    it was an embrace
    I’d wished had been endless
    at our tearful farewell
    your body supple and warm
    pulsing with life
    as we kissed

    lips lush as cognac
    open softly to kisses
    urgently linger

    the taste of your kiss on my lips
    I passed through security
    turned and fixed on your gaze
    praying it was not the last time
    I’d look into your beautiful eyes

    I wandered dazed down the ramp
    to the jet that would take me
    to the fury of hell
    I locked your face of love
    deep in my heart

    That cherished image
    proved my grasp on sanity
    through two years of horror
    through the sting of separation
    the bitter taste of war
    the foul stench of death

    I return this day
    facing reality at 30,000 feet
    the salt of sadness on my cheeks
    bitter on my lips

    not of my making
    but I feel the guilt of war
    I’m frightened to see
    to touch you again
    but I burn to do so
    I’ve been waiting so long

    so different now
    my hands angry with bloodshed
    innocence is lost

    I fear a kiss
    from my killer’s mouth
    will forever defile
    your precious lips
    lush as sweet cognac
    that day we parted.

    ~ ~ ~

    Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

    rob kistner © 2021

    The two haiku are embedded to enrich the poem’s spirit.


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

    Regal Raptor



    Regal Raptor


    Oh what joy, to be un-tethered, no longer earthbound, taking flight and soaring skyward! The freedom of feathered wing over hollow bone, riding the thermals, climbing ever upward, gliding and circling effortlessly. I feel the warmth of the sun, as I drift through the heavens, free as the enveloping breeze — such bliss!

    Suddenly I dive earthward, wings tucked, rocketing down toward the crystal blue of a crisp mountain lake. My enhanced vision pierces the clear surface of the water, penetrating all the way to the bottom. Spotting my target, I sail out over the lake, racing purposefully, a talon’s reach above the wind-blown chopwater.

    In the next moment, I connect. With a slight tilt in my wings, I soar skyward once more, my prize secure in my powerful grasp. I lift toward the top of a massive conifer, towering at water’s edge. Reaching the peak, my wings at full extension, I flap them gracefully backward, pulling against momentum, and softly land. Home — the victorious hunter!

    winds urging my wings
    lifting me gently skyward
    at peace in the clouds

    ~ ~ ~

    rob kistner © 2021


    To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE