Folding Together

My daughter and son surprised, I should say shocked me yesterday, revealing the name and photo of my actual birth father — and the name of my birth mother. This information was unknown to me for 74 years. In fact, I was unaware my kids were genealogy mining. I was stunned to look at the picture my son showed me of a man, heretofore unknown to me, and quite clearly and eerily see “myself” — and the unmistakable faces of my son and daughter. Joseph Lawrence Perrmann and Evelyn Tieke — my birth father and mother. I was utterly floored. Using De’s prompt, I’ve created an imagined romantic scenario of that day they met, and I was conceived as a post WWII bastard — later to be placed in a “sealed” adoption.

she is as bright as sunshine
and as beautiful as a summer day

what a most unususl place
to find such beauty
he muses to himself
as he paints her fondly
with his admiring eyes

“come here often miss”
he rolls off his lips
with a slow sly smile

“only when my laundry’s dirty”
she smiles back
with a perky snap

“what brought you in mister”
she banters jokingly

“like you, dirty laundry”
he emphasizes dirty

“you got a big load there”
she observes coyly
with a lingered downward glance

“you got a nice full basket too”
drawing ‘nice’ to a sly sssizzle
“what’s your name”
he asks, seductively

“Evelyn, what’s yours”
she flirts back

“Joe, but friends call me JL
you can just call me
whatever feels good to you, Evelyn”
he offers with an inviting smile
“can I call you Eve”

“sure, Eve is nice
what’s the L for, Joe”

“Lawrence — Joseph Lawrence Perrmann
purr, you know — like a cat”

“I’m Eve, Eve Tieke
you know, like the wood”
she says
“wa d’ya do JL,
rather, Joe”
she teasingly purrs

“I’m now a cop,
was Navy shore patrol,
I’m just back from war”

“where’s your gun officer”
she coaxs

“I keep it holstered
until I need t’use it”
he warns mockingly

“is it a big gun, Joe”
feigning wonder

“it’ll do the job Eve
you like guns”

“not usually
but I bet yours is nice”
she says breathily

they continued chatting
and flirting
while they laundered
growing more interested
and mutually attracted

just then

“well, laundry’s dry Eve
wanna help each other fold”

she looks around
“these tables are awfully small”
she replies encouragingly
“I live just around the block Joe
and I have the perfect table”

“great Eve, let’s go there
and fold together
— how does that sound”
he asks suggestively

“purr-fect, Joe
I would love to fold with you”
she says directly into his eyes

then let’s go
show me the way Eve”

they pause
their imaginations fully engaged
smiling deeply into each others eyes

“OK” Eve says warmly
body language relaxed
eyes willing

then JL turns
grabs both baskets
full of their warm laundry
and out the door they go


and into my history

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Burst of Blossoms


The burst of cherry blossoms outside my window, always heralds an uplift in my mood. Their bright blooms bring a lightness to my spirit, that puts a smile in my heart. Their delicate countenance speaks to me of peace and gentle beauty, while the heady fragrance stirs thoughts and feelings of love.

They deliver me from the doldrums of winter into the joys of the unfolding spring, celebrating renewal and new possibility. The time of cherry blossoms is a sacred time of transcendence, to be honored and embraced with gratitude, for the blessing of rebirth. May this stricken world find rekindled hope.

sweet pink blossoms burst
red spring buds have spread their wings
soon will be cherries

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse



…oh, again to soar…


I could but glide
like a bird in flight

I would soar skyward
on feathered wings
in sweeping circles
lifted on mighty thermals

I would not be earthbound
not a captive of gravity

if I could
but break the gravity
of time
I would not be a prisoner
of regret

this day would be soaring
and swooping
and giving thanks
for feathers
and hollow bones

and forgiveness

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: Sunday Muse


These women can SING!!

Danza del Deseo

…burnin’ it down…


He feels the weight of her thigh
pressing against his

the flesh of her hip
urgent against him

the warmth
as he responds involuntarily

a heat spreads through him
a quickening of pulse

he swoons
and swells

a deep need overtakes him

he reaches ’round her
firmly encircling her waist
with his strong arm
pulling her forward
bending her backward
with the power of his body
consumed by her passion

thus begins the danza del deseo

his urges hot and husky
on her ear and cheek
they churn in slow pleasure

building in lustful pace and tension
they dance and dance
well into the starry starry night
spinning into a carnal fury

until finally
a great release
sweeps over them

they melt together
in fevered bliss
matching breath for slowing breath

his lips
soft on the nape of her neck
they drift to earth
entwined in the joy
the afterglow
of love’s lingered embrace

rob kistner © 2021


Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers

Day 5 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021


…born in water, in water she’s swept away…


Beauty sings to the sea — love’s tone
on this broken, cloud-covered day
slipping into the surge alone
silently, she kicks away

on these broken, cloud-covered days
alone with her fractured wishes
she drops so silently ‘neath the waves
deep, deep down to the fishes

alone with her fractured wishes
a’tumble in the seabed’s sway
down down deep with the fishes
she is leaving it all today

sorrow’s a’swim in the seabed’s sway
beauty’s nothing left to say
she is leaving this lonely world, today
the sea will sweep her away

rob kistner © 2021

*Check out: Joy’s Pantoum


Read more poetry at: dVerse

Day 2 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021


…if but one candle…


Let’s celebrate the truth returning
let love’s flame damp down false fear
our human spirit swells with yearning
sweet logic’s voice again we hear

let love’s flame damp down false fear
illuminate at last this dark
sweet logic’s voice again we hear
extinguish now vile hatred’s spark

illuminate at last this dark
this warmth of truth we need to feel
extinguish now vile hatred’s spark
our hungry hearts seek this that’s real

the warmth of truth we need to feel
our human spirit swells with yearning
our hungry hearts seek this that’s real
let’s celebrate the truth returning

rob kistner © 2021

*Check out: Sorrow’s Pantoum



Read more poetry at: dVerse


I sit
with my mind’s eye
watch the flow of people
the shuffle of feet
with the different sounds
of their telltale shoes

the divergent realities
through which truth stumbles frayed
to move in the world
rough as rope
knotted as every inarticulate promise

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


This Clearing


This Clearing


we are so new
tinged with the sparkle
of discovery

already I see
with growing clarity
how real
my love for you
how true
my bond of fidelity
how remarkable
our relationship

how aware I grow
day to day
how possible it becomes
I could give my life to you

in these precious moments
of honest reflection
emotions overwhelm me

I vow I will share with you
the depth of these feelings
holding nothing back
baring all

then that fog creeps in
that veil of insecurity
how frail is my ego

courage stumbles
precious opportunity fades
expressions of love falter
I fall mute
smiling blissfully

so my love
forever see these words
as a clearing
where you alone can visit
to be nurtured

a private
wonderful place
you alone can go
to truly know
these treasures in my heart

~ ~ ~
rob kistner © 2021

More at: Poets & Storytellers


Yeah Sure

So, wadayathinka’ma piercing eyes?
………… sure

wadayathinka’ma brooding stare?
………… right

wadayathinka’ma chiseled nose?
………… uh-huh

wadayathinka’ma rugged complexion?
………… yep

wadayathinka’ma manly beard?
………… hmm

wadayathinka’ma pensive furrowed brow?
………… well, gotta go

hey, wait! — wadayathink, wadayathink, huh… wadayathink?!

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: Sunday Muse

Oy Vey

When our life meets fate and time, things get ‘real’ damned quickly.

Oy Vey!


this being human is……
……………full of contradictions

this being human is……
………………an aweful scourge

this being human is……
………………an awesome gift

this being human is……
………………tears in your eyes

…some of them are joyous…

this being human is……
……………………full of danger

this being human is……
……………………full of wonder

this being human is……
……………………full of pain

this being human is……
……………………full of pleasure

this being human is……
……………………full of promise

this being human is……
…………full of disappoingment

…sometimes full of bullshit…

this being human is……
……………………full of love

this being human is……
……………………full of hate

this being human is……
……………………full of hurry

this being human is……
……………………full of wait

this being human is……
……………………full of highs

this being human is……
……………………full of lows

this being human is……
……………………full of screams

this being human is……
……………………full of dreams

this being human is……
……………………full of songs

this being human is……
……………………being right

this being human is……
……………………being wrong

…sometimes a damned fool…

this being human is……
……………………full of victory

this being human is……
……………………full of defeat

this being human is……
……………………full of friends

this being human is……
……………………full of enemies

this being human is……
……………………full of arriving

this being human is……
……………………full of leaving

…sometimes it’s being lost…

this being human is……
………………the mystery of birth

this being human is……
………………the horror of death

this being human is……
………………the uplifting sunrise

this being human is……
…………the mindblowing sunset

this being human is……
…………the night’s magic moon

this being human is……
…………sometimes a nightmare

this being human is……
…………everything that we dare

this being human is……
……………more than imagined

this being human is……
……sometimes even a miracle

………………but yes………………

this being human is……
…a cornucopia of contradictions

……………………but thankfully
it’s all life, everything we got……

so what TO DO……………………
………………………just keep breathing

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021


To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE

Day 9 poetry at: NaPoWriMo 2021

Secret of Life

DIGITAL ART — “Quandary” by: rob kistner © 2004

Secret of Life


I lean upon my open hands, cool against my temple, elbows solid on my rumpled jeans. My eyes drooped and closed, aflame with spoiled sleep. My face is slacked, head cocked, tilted to the fore, heavy with confusion. My skull rests upon the finger bones, weighted with indecision, procrastination.

My thoughts, like digits on a dollar slot, spin unsettled in my mind. They neither click nor lock in place, just tumble in a jumble, blurred, out of focus, lost in my mental fog.

Sunken deep on bended knees, I’m perplexed, frustrated by the chaos awhirl in my head. Such immensity, this question, seems no way in. No first step taken here today in solving the mystery of life. But still, I can smile. I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that existence has its own reason for being. Not one to be solved.

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021


To check out more poetry at dVerse: CLICK HERE





yes I said
do not touch
just go away
leave me be

while inside
I cried out
do draw near
stay with me

you are color
you are pure
you are joy
you are free

I am not
I am blank
I am beast
can’t you see

you are warm
I am frigid
I am torn
please don’t flee

you are breath
you are life
am I death’s

at the edge
of your love
I am either
— dichotomy

without you
there is much
you don’t know
about me

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021


More poetry at The Sunday Muse: CLICK HERE