Folly Divine

“Folding Time” by: rob kistner

P lease permit me to present two concepts for your consideration. One is time, the other is keeping in the present moment — a place in which we seem relentlessly encouraged, cajoled, even badgered to remain. First of all, time is relative, a fleeting thing, constantly evolving. It is transitory and non-substantive.

So how does one keep in the present moment? As a general definition, “keep” means to hold, or maintain something in your possession or control. A moment is an ever-changing, elusive, arbitrary piece of this relative thing called time. So it would appear, given the ethereal, amorphous nature of time, that one cannot “keep” any aspect of time — one of which being a moment.

Therefore, with time being the core component of a moment, and time unable to be, by definition, “kept”, the logical deduction is that a moment, present or not, is therefore unable to be ‘kept’. Moments are a flow continuum, so ride it mindfully and alert. Besides, in the pursuit of things relative, fleeting, ethereal, and uncertain — love is a far more glorious pursuit than a “present moment”.

love is elusive
a mystery of the heart
a folly divine

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse