No Regrets

W ritten many pointed comments — yes
and polarizing poetry — indeed
I am not sorry that I wrote them
they’re intended to inspire

if any raised your hackles
it was you who chose to read
and it proves they were effective
if in-fact they stirred your ire

I will not change my viewpoint
my fired words I’ll not walk back
perhaps it’s you who should look inward
why did my thoughts make you upset

no — I’m not retracting anything
what I said must have been on track
so if you’re seeking an apology
that’s one thing you’ll never get

I know that I can be aggressive
perhaps my demeanor frightens you
if so — for that I’m sorry
but not sorry for what I said

I do not intend you bodily harm
that is not what I mean to do
no sticks n’stones to break no bones
just truth’s flame to fire your head

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse



Collage entitled “Guitar Hero” by: rob kistner © 1993

P ermit me to share the legend
of the man who rocked the world
luminescent — larger than life
his bold flag of fame unfurled

I was his grateful roadie
he treated me like a brother
the world lost a good one
he was truly like no other

with confidence he stood the stage
flashed his skills with grace and power
his celebrity rocketed skyward
enormous talent, in his finest hour

a humble hard-luck childhood
helped hone his heartfelt dream
a bright young man with wicked “chops”
he could make his guitars scream

his glory spread round the globe
renown and fortune grew unbound
like a rampant roaring wildfire
nothing it seemed would take him down

but terror struck while touring England
unleashing madness, fear, and strife
bombs tore through the concert hall
to save his fans, he risked his life

the first blast ripped the back wall
mike in hand, he stood cool and ready
“please people — don’t run in panic
move quickly — but please move steady”

he stood directing fans to safety
they all escaped — now he was last
as people gathered outside the hall
came the deaf’ning final blast

it was horror in high definition
TV broadcast the heartbreaking sight
a question hung heavy midst the chaos
did their hero meet death tonight

the sad truth was the top news story
the brave mega-star had died
all the world was seen to mourn
at candle vigils his fanbase cried

so permit me to share this legend
of this remarkably brave young man
who — possessed of wealth and fame
truly never forgot the fan

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


Jelly Beans

P hineas Morton is not a happy guy
that’s not to say he’s sad
he just decided long ago
not to live life on the extremes
so he would describe himself as
as centered
Phineas Morton is a centered guy

I’m Mortimore Magee
his best friend
and frequent visitor

Phineas lives
in the abandoned hull
of an old
school bus
which he’s fixed up to be
”just fine”
he assures
”lotta make-do, bit’a magic”

he was left there
by his parents
when he was 12
as they went off to find

“to find happiness”
he bemoans

this situation may also account
for his less than enthusiastic embrace
of the whole concept of happiness

Phineas dreams of
someday doing something
”something interesting”

shunning the extreme nature
of great
he is not really interested
in doing something great
interesting will do just fine

Phineas has a girlfriend
“sort of a girlfriend”
he says
“more like a girl acquaintance
sounds less all in

he explains
which suits his centeredness
just fine

her name is Flo
Flo Humpledorf
though she has come to spell it
as an expression
of her affinity for Phineas
you know
Phineas and Phlo

well anyway
Phineas wants everyone to know
that while he waits
for his interesting life to begin
he can be found
”out by ole’ Doc Patterson’s pond”
in his shell of a bus

“you’re more than welcome to come by”
he says

just between you and me
if you do
don’t act too happy
if you know what I mean
it doesn’t sit well with the lad

if you decide to come by
bring some jelly beans
red jelly beans


because I love red jelly beans
and I really am there
a lot!

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


C arefully I walk this edge
balancing eternally between
my sacred nurturing soul
and my burning hearts’s needs

know I will not be confined
staying always in motion
an eternal ebb and flow
perpetual like the seas

my spirit is amorphous
bathed in the rays of change
expanding unrestrained
seeking purpose and freedom

I will not be defined
my nature is fluid
my essence is turbulent
deep and ever changing

my heart in constant surge
ignores the prevailing winds
seeking balance that is mine
to change at need — at will

you need not seek me
for I am always here
but do not name me
I will not be yours

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: Sunday Muse