
…Overcoming the cold of Mars may be easier than the stupidity of Earth…

Oh I want to be a rocketman
and soar off into outer space
way up with the stars and planets
far from this slowly dying place

until — let’s take a leisure drive
stick our heads out the windows
look at those beautiful butterflies
do they know which way the wind blows

we are rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
not certain where we’re goin’

I lost my pearly guitar pic
it’s been missin’ now for hours
I found my favorite baseball mitt
in a field full of wild flowers

acres of virgin rain forest
more than 200,000 everyday
what d’fuck is it we’re thinkin’
cutting those vital trees away

we keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
no idea where we’re goin’

let’s put on a sunny face
let’s not appear that we are dour
Thalia — help us laugh off our guilt
while we boogie down in the shower

630,000 machine guns
are privately owned in the USA
that is a lotta gaw-damned firepower
on the loose here everyday

ya’bet’cha — ya’bet’cha
oh hell yes — ya’bet’cha

maybe just to clear my head
I’ll go ’n climb that water tower
wow — I can see a lot from here
like those school kids by the flowers

229 school shootings
337 victims have sadly died
when you send your children off to schoolg
no guarantee they’ll come back alive

the horror’s rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
the solution is not known

hey — where’s that sunny funny face
maybe if we all join in a song
perhaps sing a song of make-believe
Euterpe — please play as we sing along

our planet’s becoming a garbage dump
ton n’a half of trash tossed away
by every man woman and child
each year in the US of A

ya’bet’cha — ya’bet’cha
oh hell yes — ya’bet’cha

oh sure — the world has begun to flood
the part that’s not — is burning
but hell — there ain’t no climate change
just ignore all that we’re learning

let’s just pretend that all is well
these g’damned masks are irritating
these stupid lockdowns are real hell
but global plague just keeps mutating

Melpoméne please — this is hard to take
like everybody’s gone insane
sometimes I’d like to fly away
just escape all of this pain

oh shit — my hair is all messed up
guess it’s time to go back home
but time has proven to be relative
many friends and relatives are gone

close that open window please
my apathy’s blowin’ away
when interplanetary trips begin
Urania — launch me on that day

soon I will be flown flown flown
into outer space I’m goin’
Mars is my new home
g’bye — so long



rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse