Porcelain Tear

…dedicated to all children who have died in fire…


T here is great peace
these slumbering mountains

these vast forests
asleep with moon dreams

gently coaxed
by midnight breezes
sterling ripples glint
atop moonlit
crystal clear
glacial cut lakes

their chill
cerulean depths
hold me enchanted

ancient secrets
whispered by these waters
echo hauntingly
in the old growth treetops
stirring to flight
a great white owl

these pristine mountains
take my breath
unspoiled natural beauty
stretching beyond eye’s reach

night zephyrs
wafting high
through conifer boughs
release a heady intoxicant

moonlight drifts down
setting aglow
the forest’s canopy
pierced by silver’d beams

a sky of stars
dance diamond-like
on the mirroring lakes

unleashing the serene
and the sacred
of this place — so unique

but this night
there also stirs the sorrow
of careless human arrogance


these night breezes
are unbreathable
whipped by rolling flames
to blistering winds
choked with soot

the rivers black
strangled with char
as wild fires rage
and wildlife screams
scattering in panic


as life is consumed
all life

will there ever be
cries enough
to be heard

midst smoldering debris
a horrifying discovery

the burnt head
of a child’s doll
the child lost
in the blackened devastion

like a cruel omen
a tear trickles down
the smoke stained doll’s cheek

my heart breaks
deeply I weep

will there ever
be tears enough
to again cleanse pure
this defiled paradise


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers