But Wait

We are not “in charge” of earth — we must learn to be in balance…
or we will become the agents of the apocalypse!

As people live more and more “in the screens” of our myriad electronic devices, and less and less in the realtime, “face to face” world — we find it easier and easier to dismiss each other. Takes only a simple swipe or touch of those screens, or an on/off button. We are becoming more and more 2D “virtual”, and less and less 3D “real”. Even evolving 3D screen devices present a surreality. We are living more and more in a conjured world — in cities of our minds.

This ability to instantaneously dismiss, is a dangerous subconscious dehumanization, and in that, a subtle devaluation of each other, as flesh and blood. We have become more or less electronic entities we can have appear and disappear at whim and will. The onslaught of things to attract us and distract us, driven by internet, cable, and dish, via “24/7 streaming” of significant elements of our reality(s), create fewer and fewer “whole” things in which we are substantively grounded. This makes much of our daily “life” ethereal, temporary, avoidable, deletable, and superficial.

We are bombarded daily by unfounded supposition, opinions, dogmas, and blatant scripted lies; as well as immersive presentations of fantasy realities via movies, TV, grandiose advertisement, and video games. This occurs to such a degree that reality has become fluid — perceived truth has become relative. All of this leads further to dehumanization and devaluation of “real” human life.

We face an incredibly volatile situation, perfect for abandonment of a sense of responsibility for the real world, our earth in which we physically live — hence the acceleration of ecological disasters and burgeoning environmental collapse we are now witnessing. It also makes it much easier, through misinformation and subterfuge, for evil, exploitive agendas to take root. Agendas that can develop into very serious real world social exploitation — hence, the growing Trump nightmare, and its related trappings, as well as the other demagogs and dogmas that have begun sprouting forth in society. But wait, where are we now? These are tense, dangerous, and potentially explosive times in which we live. Ours has become an ever more fragile world.

truth has become smoke
reality’s now fluid
life is untethered

when we begin to believe
we have risen to favor
and privilege
above the humble
bloody afterbirth
of our origin

when in our reflection
we see perverse transcendence
towards entitlement
in which no allegiance
or kinship to nature
binds us to our center

when our insanity
of magnified human arrogance
so distorts our vision
of the sacred ancient balance

so twists our vision
of our place in
or our inherent responsibility
to protect
the bone-broken reality
of the natural order

when we blatantly begin
to eat our own
while copulating
with false gods
on forsaken gilded altars
of rampant greed
and planetary neglect

celebrating utter disregard
for the sanctity of life
all life

then the hour of extinction
is certainly at hand

and we’ve all become
the hulking mass
of the apocalypse
deserving to be struck down
by the self-inflicted rapier
of raw wild justice

yes we do
yes we definitely do

but wait

before that
I want to be a rocketman

I want to explore the universe
soar off into outer space
way up with the stars and planets
far from this slowly dying place

until then — let’s take a leisure drive
stick our heads out of the windows
wow – those beautiful butterflies
think they know which way the wind blows

we are rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
not certain where we’re goin’

I lost my pearly guitar pic
it’s been missin’ now for hours
I found my favorite baseball mitt
in a field full of wild flowers

but wait, acres of virgin rain forest
more than 200,000 everyday
what d’fuck is it we’re thinkin’
cutting those vital trees away

we keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
no idea where we’re goin’

let’s put on a sunny face
let’s not appear that we are dour
let us just laugh off our guilt
while we boogie down for hours

but wait, 630,000 machine guns
are privately owned in the USA
that is a lotta gaw-damned firepower
on the loose here everyday

always rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
where the fuck we think we’re goin’

maybe just to clear my head
I’ll go ’n climb that water tower
wow — I can see a lot from here
like those school kids by the flowers

but wait, 229 school shootings
337 victims have sadly died
when you send your children off to schoolg
no guarantee they’ll come back alive

the horror’s rollin’ rollin’ rollin’
the solution is not known

hey — where’s that sunny funny face
maybe if we all join in a song
perhaps sing a song of make-believe
we can smile as we sing along

but wait, our planet’s becoming a garbage dump
ton n’a half of trash gets tossed away
by every man woman and child
each year in the US of A

we’re ‘bout to blow it blow it blow it
nearly no place left to throw it

oh sure — the world has begun to flood
the part that’s not — is burning
but hell — there ain’t no climate change
just ignore all that we’re learning

let’s just pretend that all is well
these g’damned masks are irritating
these stupid lockdowns are real hell
but wait, global plague just keeps mutating

the bug is changin’ changin’ changin’
daily life keeps rearrangin’

let’s forget these world problems
most are probably spread by hacks
let’s drive through for some fast food
I’ll have a coupala’ Big Macs

but wait 14 million children
under the tender age of five
starve each day here on this planet
fighting hard to stay alive

but we keep glut’n glut’n glut’n
and we ain’t sharin’ nutt’n

man — this is hard to take
like everybody’s gone insane
sometimes I’d like to fly away
just escape all of this pain

oh shit — my hair is all messed up
guess it’s time to go back home
but time has proven to be relative
many friends and relatives are gone

people dyin’ dyin’ dyin’
those left behind just can’t stop cryin’

close that open window please
my apathy’s blowin’ away
interplanetary travel has begun
perhaps I will launch someday

maybe out there I can just forget
how truly badly we fucked up
even though we had the warning signs
we refused to drink the bitter cup

we pretended it was gonna be alright
that surely others would handle it
but wait — we “were” the fuckin’ others
and we never cleaned up our shit

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry Pantry at: Poets & Storytellers