Safe’n Sound


The old place has lost its luster
but the memories still hold their glow
this place — my cherished childhood home
kept me safe and warm so long ago

the mornings were a bustling din
dad off to work and me late for school
but together at evenin’ dinner table
clean hands’n face — as was the rule

then dad and I tinkered in his workshop
as mom and baby bro’ would play
then round the hearth to sooth our bones
all sharin’ stories about our day

now off to bed in clean pajamas
a bedtime tale to make us thrill
wrapped in blankets of our family’s love
to keep us warm against night’s chill

wonderful dreams, seldom a nightmare
we all slept tight — safe ‘n sound
though the world was having troubles
at our home they nev’r came around

yes — the old place has lost its luster
but every memory still holds a glow
this place — my cherished childhood home
that kept me safe and warm so long ago

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse