Love’s Captive

Happy Halloween! This is a dark, haunting piece.

artist of both images: Natalia Drepina


Do you think
you’re not still my slave
since digging yourself
from that earthen grave

since you sullied
your delicate hands
clawing up and out
of my bottom lands

do you think
you’re safe

think perhaps
that I don’t know
where you are
as you come and go

do you think
that I don’t feel you
with my every breath
that I don’t breathe you
really – don’t you

do you think at all
foolish girl

anytime I want you
you are mine


you know I love you
you love me too
with a love uncommon
you know you do

don’t you

you are mine
it’s true


you are not free
your every move
is known to me
your every thought
is mine to see

every fear
mine to trigger

you will not know
whence I may come
I am the shadow
you are running from

the stranger hidden
across the street
the sudden sound
that startles you
from your sleep

so cling mindlessly
to your false hope
as ‘round your slender neck
I slip my rope

you think I’m mad
well that may be
but that’s too bad

for you
not me

you pray
they catch me
we’ll see
won’t we

your nightmare is
I’ll not be caught
your dream’s come true
for I will naught

you hope I make
a big mistake
dare a close call
risk my downfall

foolish girl
there is no risk

for I am brilliant
wicked cunning
you’ve felt my power
is it not stunning

does my magnificence
make you afraid
knowing ‘cross your neck
I may slide my blade

as I’m creeping quiet
from behind
to steal your life
as I am so inclined

as terror shivers
up and down
your spine
remember always

you — are — mine

having read this letter
that Gwen had received
just this afternoon
handed to her personally
by a courier
I knew I had to stop
this mad maniac

this beast
had recently kidnapped her
even buried her alive

the police and I
rescued her
but then today
came this letter

the demon
had included a key
and a note

think your boyfriend
can find me
I really doubt it
but the truth’s unknown

so just for fun
let’s try and see
here’s the address
where I will be

tell him to come alone
or I will hunt
and kill you both
like the helpless fools
I have always known
you are

at sunset
I am gone Gwen
and I know
you will miss me

embracing this insane challenge
I have found the house
an old mansion by the docks
once owned by a shipping magnate

the key doesn’t work the front door
but going around to the back
I find stairs to a storm cellar

the key opens the door
at the bottom
of the broken stone stairs

the door opens
on a long dark hall

if I am being watched
I must move quickly
through this light
that pools incrementally
in this pungent
segmented hallway

there should be some safety
in the shadows
that linger tight
to the cold walls

I press myself
against the damp irregular surfaces
of the stacked fieldstone
that comprise
this eerie chiseled passage

I pause briefly
between each puddle of light
until I reach the last

I halt

nothing in my sane being
wants this dire mission
but I love my Gwen
and she is being threatened
so this deed falls to me

creeping stealthily forward
like a shade on the dank wall
I move cautiously closer
to what appears to be
a huge steel door

my heart pounding
my diaphram starved for breath
I feel I may pass out

a noise
immediately behind
instantly paralyzes me

I turn
no one there

I listen intently

no other sounds
save the blood
pulsing as a roar
in my ears

I begin to move
but again
I hear it

I jerk my head around
and see the source of the noise

collecting on the stone ceiling
gathers overhead
into sagging condensation

it then releases
as a weighty droplet
splattering on the floor
just behind me
with a sharp startling slap

I relax a bit
enough to again draw
tensioned breath

several more careful steps
and I place my hand
on the cold metal handle
of the immense door

I clutch it firmly
fearing if I lose my grip
I will lose my nerve
but slowly
quiet as I can
I begin to turn it

I feel the resistance
of set-in rust
as my mind races
and my blood pressure soars
being overcome by the magnitude
of what might come next

I slow my heartbeat
steady my breathing
steel my resolve
and turn my wrist harder

the handle releases
and the door unseats inwardly

I swing the door open
ever so gradually
and step in

I’m blinded by light
assaulted by sound

“Love Is Not Enough”
Nine Inch Nails
at 120 dB


across the room
a giant screen

as my eyes recover
I see on the screen
a cellphone video image
it’s a live capture
of the apartment I’d left
just an hour ago
where Gwen and I live

there on the screen
my love
bound to a chair
a coarse rope
knotted around her neck
as a dark figure hovers
just behind her

from out of the silence
stupid boy
you’ve taken the bait
you are there
and I am here
and now it’s simply
just too late

the ominous shaded figure
then pulls the rope
more tightly
around my love’s throat

you will never again
look into each others eyes
I’m sharing with my Gwen
a wonderful surprise
then tonight
she dies

as he turns
from the camera
he looks down
directly at his captive

the screen goes black
the room falls dark
then clearly
I hear

foolish girl
you’ve always known
you – are – mine

mine alone!

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse



Trick’r Treat


It’s nightfall
the darkness now descends
the hand of grief extends
terror is knocking at the door

it’s nightfall
words of horror stain my lips
sweetness slips through my fingertips
and scatters ‘cross the floor

it’s nightfall
the shadows stoke my fears
a voice of dread rings in my ears
I am broken evermore

it’s nightfall
dark waves of misery
are rising like the sea
I am stranded on the shore

it’s nightfall
would I were alone
confusion grips me to the bone
horror chills me to my core

it’s nightfall
again you call my name
I’m about to go insane
I just can’t take it anymore

it’s nightfall
“yes dear! I can hear you”
your nagging drives me crazy
so tired of your calling me lazy

it’s nightfall
“certainly dear! I know your feet are sore
I’ll pick the candy up off the floor
I’m happy to answer the” g’damned “door!”

it’s nightfall
before the sun rises tomorrow
I’ll end my pain and sorrow
going to end that nagging


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse





Gone Grey


Another morning, he sighs, as he sits, sipping his steeped motivation. Quietly, he begins peeling away the fog that layers his mind, residue of another fitful night. He is somber, but pleased to be awake, to be alive, grateful for the peace and the quiet of early morning — fleeting though it is.

His thoughts begin to un-blend, gathering in a cohesive palette of emotions. They catch his notice this morning, as they slowly sort, into what he perceives, as the colors of mood — moods he recognizes all too well.

He sees the dark ebony of anger, the shades of purple that are pain. Here is the violet of regret, and the sorrowful blues. But here too, are gentle peaceful greens, golden joy, and laughter’s bright amber. And, ahh yes, love’s deep ruby red, and the hot scarlet of passion!

As he muses, reflections on his mortality creep in, unwelcomed. They shoulder in coldly, crowding his reverie, reminding him of his advanced age, and acutely failing health. Pondering his plight he curses his fate. He feels himself struggling beneath the weight of uncertainty. A riot of emotions overcome him.

He seeks clarity, so he retreats to his typewriter, his tool of expression, his canvas for poetry. As outside, saffrons and corals stir into dawn, he sits at his desk, brings his fingers to the keys, and begins painting — deep indigo.

I do not fear death
I fear the loss of color
were it all gone grey

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


Fashion Forward


What’s that you say
you’ve not seen me around
well see
I just got back in town
went for a trip
quite far away
but now
I plan to settle down

I brought back
some new friends
friends I find dear
though some folks
they react with fear
my new friends
may appear
a little strange
they’re just not
not from around here

I see you smirking
at my suit
it includes the hat
and the gloves to boot
it really helps
should I grow weightless
but around here
I guess
that point is moot

it keeps UV rays
off my bald cranium
and it’s made
of strong-as-steel
it makes me invisible
to radar
and impervious
to uranium

I wear it now
almost everyplace
the reflection
helps conceal my face
when raining
it keeps me very dry
and there’s a jet pack
if I choose to race

so please
don’t make fun
of my wardrobe
it’s perfect
for someone on the go
it’s fireproof
if you’re grilling out
and in the dark of night
it glows

here’s a little tip
I’ll share with you
I don’t worry
about all the ballyhoo
let folks stare
and shake their head
because I know
my fashion sense
is way way ahead

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Our Love Story

Life’s so lonely — I am so blue
is there no way we can renew
our lovelife

I feel so hopeless time to time
so pitiful — truth is that I’m
still lovestruck

I did not always treat you right
please forgive me and reignite
your lovelight

our love song has not all been sung
please don’t abandon me among
the lovelorn

all this time we’ve been so happy
let’s find a way again to be
those lovebirds

I want you to see me again
to again be reflected in
your love-eyes

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


The Spaceman

Wow — it is so hard to believe
that it’s finally time to leave
the spaceport

last night I nearly opted out
lying in bed thinking about
this spaceflight

I am nervous — I’m telling you
I fear at blast off I might poo
my spacesuit

but it’s damned cool that of this crew
I am the one who gets to do
the spacewalk

is this to me a dream come true
yes — if they keep me tethered to
the spacecraft

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


Fallow Fields


My memories gather and squabble
like crows in fallow fields
they pick clean
the bones of my recall
bones against the cruel clay
of an arid barren mind

bones spilled from soul boxes
in which I’d desperately collected
the scarred and damaged pieces
of my broken dreams

dreams now parched and withered
dried brittle in the coarse winds
of my dire confusion

their promises scratched and raspy
slowly slipping unintelligible
into the chaos and cacophony
of the crows in fallow fields



My memories gather and squabble
like crows in fallow fields
they pick relentlessly random
at the bones of my recall
bones against the cracked clay
in a foggy mind

bones spilled from soul boxes
where I desperately collect them
drying brittle in the wafting winds
of my careless confusion

their promises scratched and raspy
slowly slipping unintelligible
into the chaos and cacophony
of the crows in fallow fields

but I too am relentless
picking up what remains I’m able
to make these pieces of my dreams
be they large or small
tattered scattered pieces of my dreams
come whole in joyous fashion

‘til I simply am no more
yes, ‘til it all comes crashin’
this will remain my passion
that fractured dreams will find new lives
and new joys will fill weary eyes
kwamba utapata furaha yako

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


Now please enjoy these unbelievably incredible women, and these bands…

Song For Leonard

”The Wiseman” – Jim Warren © 1975


Your clarity
blazed bright
a flame of logic
a vivid light
pierced the darkness
of ignorance
its radiance
sparked inquiry

your blazing light
turning now ember
edge’s ashen
can still ignite
those who remember
your philosopher’s passion
stir to fire
your dark wisdom’s desire

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


One-eye’d Blind


Here I gaze
one-eye’d blind
through life’s gossamer curtain
at a dark waking dream
a chill hallucination
of a polarized reality

dual worlds
close enough to touch
through which truth

beyond reach

walking as a wraith

moving in these worlds
captive to the bonedeep lie
implicit in the toxic grin
of inflexible conformity

lethal tradition
in mindless trance


shackled cold
to the stone of fear


with a grip
rough as rope
at the shadowed edge
of dark and light
of ignorance and knowledge


so far to go
so much to learn

rise from this night
beckon the dawn
someone needs
ignite the light

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


No Strings


She spent her life
building and feathering her nest
head down
consumed in the process

a woman committed
to the industry
of her task

so capable
so indendent
no time for distraction

wanting nothing
to interrupt
her single-minded endeavor

not needing
nor asking
for help
from anyone

she wanted
no sttings attached

finally one day
she rose up
to look around

to discover
she had achieved
every goal

every accomplishment
was indeed hers alone

but terribly alone
she had no one

she had it all
but at a cost

she was isolated
was entangled
in her cold

she felt


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Eternal River

In loving memory of my son, Aaron Robert Kistner


Memories of you
on an eternal river
they rise
and roll on
into the sunset
toward that forever

they carry my longing heart
on their crest
and catch the tears
tears of sadness
I cry at times

moments that I feel
run aground
since you went away

would that I had a boat
a special boat
to ferry me
across this ocean of time
over that horizon of death

ferry me this day
to you
to see your face
just one more time
to hear your beautiful voice
rise in sweet song

but all is not grief
there are also tears
of joyful reflection
when I think of you

our love is that river
that flows eternally
through all time

you live still
in vivid warmest memory
locked in my heart

but one cannot touch
a memory

would that I could hold you
again this day

hold you close
and tell you son
tell you the 10,000 things
I said far too seldom
when you were still here
fiercely alive
in my life

but please
watch the river
my beautiful boy
look for my special boat

I am coming — soon


rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: d’Verse

Poetry at: poets & stortellerd


Idiot Elite


a word please

to those hurting
seeking relief
wanting answers

desiring truth

seek not the pompous
swelled with false confidence
dispensing the formulas of bliss

condemning you
as the un-visioned

while fleecing you
of your hard begotten

follow not the kings
nor the queens
of mammon

who worship the bottom line
desiring the upper hand

who would despoil the world
and all it offers
as their personal playground
of selfish gratification

suffer not the priests
nor the priestesses
who would say
that only they
have heard

and in so saying
would dictate your thoughts
and direct your deeds

to conform
to this truth
of the god
in their pocket

do not be cowered
by the iron hand
of the bullet-brained

who march in lock step
to crush under boot
the will of any
who will not queue-up

into the line
that they have deemed
leads to the only way
that life must be

do not be swayed
by those who “know”
possessed of absolutely
no uncertainty

knowing sure
that what they know
is what is

and in their infallible knowledge
that what they know
and will ever be
the truth

turn away
from the uncertainty
and manipulative pain
that all of these
demigods would inflict

to mask their own
and fear

these are special kinds of fools

disruptively dangerous
incredibly inexcusable
the idiot elite

focused only
on their manic pursuit
of unquestioned superiority
and ego-feeding control


blind to love
and empathy

empty vessels of chaos
and suffering

and reject them

gather with those
who do not know

find the curious
and the uncertain

those still filled with wonder
drawn to mystery
to unfolding discovery
to possibility

who embrace the constancy
of change
of knowledge

it is they
who will sucessfully traverse
this ever-evolving world

who will fashion it
as a fair
inclusive world

as a far
far better place

they understand
the fragility of truth
and embrace
the true pain

the pain of growth

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse