Love’s Captive

Happy Halloween! This is a dark, haunting piece.

artist of both images: Natalia Drepina


Do you think
you’re not still my slave
since digging yourself
from that earthen grave

since you sullied
your delicate hands
clawing up and out
of my bottom lands

do you think
you’re safe

think perhaps
that I don’t know
where you are
as you come and go

do you think
that I don’t feel you
with my every breath
that I don’t breathe you
really – don’t you

do you think at all
foolish girl

anytime I want you
you are mine


you know I love you
you love me too
with a love uncommon
you know you do

don’t you

you are mine
it’s true


you are not free
your every move
is known to me
your every thought
is mine to see

every fear
mine to trigger

you will not know
whence I may come
I am the shadow
you are running from

the stranger hidden
across the street
the sudden sound
that startles you
from your sleep

so cling mindlessly
to your false hope
as ‘round your slender neck
I slip my rope

you think I’m mad
well that may be
but that’s too bad

for you
not me

you pray
they catch me
we’ll see
won’t we

your nightmare is
I’ll not be caught
your dream’s come true
for I will naught

you hope I make
a big mistake
dare a close call
risk my downfall

foolish girl
there is no risk

for I am brilliant
wicked cunning
you’ve felt my power
is it not stunning

does my magnificence
make you afraid
knowing ‘cross your neck
I may slide my blade

as I’m creeping quiet
from behind
to steal your life
as I am so inclined

as terror shivers
up and down
your spine
remember always

you — are — mine

having read this letter
that Gwen had received
just this afternoon
handed to her personally
by a courier
I knew I had to stop
this mad maniac

this beast
had recently kidnapped her
even buried her alive

the police and I
rescued her
but then today
came this letter

the demon
had included a key
and a note

think your boyfriend
can find me
I really doubt it
but the truth’s unknown

so just for fun
let’s try and see
here’s the address
where I will be

tell him to come alone
or I will hunt
and kill you both
like the helpless fools
I have always known
you are

at sunset
I am gone Gwen
and I know
you will miss me

embracing this insane challenge
I have found the house
an old mansion by the docks
once owned by a shipping magnate

the key doesn’t work the front door
but going around to the back
I find stairs to a storm cellar

the key opens the door
at the bottom
of the broken stone stairs

the door opens
on a long dark hall

if I am being watched
I must move quickly
through this light
that pools incrementally
in this pungent
segmented hallway

there should be some safety
in the shadows
that linger tight
to the cold walls

I press myself
against the damp irregular surfaces
of the stacked fieldstone
that comprise
this eerie chiseled passage

I pause briefly
between each puddle of light
until I reach the last

I halt

nothing in my sane being
wants this dire mission
but I love my Gwen
and she is being threatened
so this deed falls to me

creeping stealthily forward
like a shade on the dank wall
I move cautiously closer
to what appears to be
a huge steel door

my heart pounding
my diaphram starved for breath
I feel I may pass out

a noise
immediately behind
instantly paralyzes me

I turn
no one there

I listen intently

no other sounds
save the blood
pulsing as a roar
in my ears

I begin to move
but again
I hear it

I jerk my head around
and see the source of the noise

collecting on the stone ceiling
gathers overhead
into sagging condensation

it then releases
as a weighty droplet
splattering on the floor
just behind me
with a sharp startling slap

I relax a bit
enough to again draw
tensioned breath

several more careful steps
and I place my hand
on the cold metal handle
of the immense door

I clutch it firmly
fearing if I lose my grip
I will lose my nerve
but slowly
quiet as I can
I begin to turn it

I feel the resistance
of set-in rust
as my mind races
and my blood pressure soars
being overcome by the magnitude
of what might come next

I slow my heartbeat
steady my breathing
steel my resolve
and turn my wrist harder

the handle releases
and the door unseats inwardly

I swing the door open
ever so gradually
and step in

I’m blinded by light
assaulted by sound

“Love Is Not Enough”
Nine Inch Nails
at 120 dB


across the room
a giant screen

as my eyes recover
I see on the screen
a cellphone video image
it’s a live capture
of the apartment I’d left
just an hour ago
where Gwen and I live

there on the screen
my love
bound to a chair
a coarse rope
knotted around her neck
as a dark figure hovers
just behind her

from out of the silence
stupid boy
you’ve taken the bait
you are there
and I am here
and now it’s simply
just too late

the ominous shaded figure
then pulls the rope
more tightly
around my love’s throat

you will never again
look into each others eyes
I’m sharing with my Gwen
a wonderful surprise
then tonight
she dies

as he turns
from the camera
he looks down
directly at his captive

the screen goes black
the room falls dark
then clearly
I hear

foolish girl
you’ve always known
you – are – mine

mine alone!

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse