

As we live more and more in the screens of our myriad electronic devices, and less and less in the face-to-face world, we find it easier and easier to dismiss each other with a swipe or touch of those screens, or an on/off button.

We are living more and more in a conjured world — “cities of our mind”. It is a dangerous, subconscious dehumanization, a subtle devaluation of each other as real. We’re becoming electronic entities we can make appear, or disappear, at whim and will.

We’re bombarded daily by supposition, even blatant scripted lies. We’re frequently immersed in the fantasy worlds of movies, TV, cellphones, and video games. Reality has become fluid — truth’s becoming relative. This leads further to that devaluation of human life. Likewise, I am bombarded, yet I stand on this “truth litmus” — I carefully test it before I ingest it!

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse