

As this year of 2021 closes, I would like to say thank you to all who visit my blog, I greatly appreciate you. And a very special thank you to all in this online writer’s community of dVerse. You are not only wonderful writers, you are also kind and generous of spirit. You’ve given this grumpy old man both joy and inspiration.

To those who found my writing enjoyable, I am pleased, that is my general intention. To those I have angered, my apologies, it was not my intention — usually. To those of you who may think I am crazy, you may well be correct, and I may in fact agree with you. To those I have made think, well, that was probably accidental. To those I have made laugh or cry, most likely also an accident. If I have made you feel, that was simply me returning the favor.

The happiest of holidays to everyone, and may the new year be a blessing for us all. I hope to be with all of you again in 2022.

My Blessings

pine boughs sparkling
yule log crackling
full hearts brimming
drawn close this night

on bright papers
gifts bestowed
one at a time

round and round
the kindred circle
unveiled affections

and cheerful laughter
precious times with family

Solstice Blessing

soon we cross the solstice night
the final dying of the light
as the old year quickly wanes
seasons will circle back again

light will overtake the dark
sun shifts the journey of its arc
each new day’s light longer burns
we’ll give thanks as light returns

life’s cycles will reprise
as a new year does arrise
may the power of light’s rebirth
bring you blessings of the earth

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


I adore this song! If you’ve not heard it, then it’s my gift to you. Listen loud!