Song of Solstice


Song of Solstice


Solstice Blessing

we cross this solstice night
the final dying of the light
as the old year quickly wanes
seasons circle back again

life’s cycles will reprise
as a new year does arrise
may the power of light’s rebirth
bring you blessings of the earth

Solstice Cycles

we rise from this longest night
to bask in new born light
day’s warmth ever increases
night’s chill grip slowly releases

light slowly overtakes the dark
sun shifts the journey of its arc
each new day light longer burns
‘til Summer Solstice peak light returns

we then enter the realm of dimming
earth’s bounty swells to brimming
earth’s daily light grows ever less
earth’s harvest nears readiness

as the harvest cycle ends
stalks lie down in fields again
when full bounty has been reaped
earth prepares again to sleep

to cross once more this solstice night
this final dying of the light
as the old year quickly wanes
blessed seasons circle back again

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2018
revised © 2021