Caustic Secrets

“Reflection on the current troubling and volatile state of the world,
as brought on by the erosion of truth, and the secrets concealed in dangerous hearts.”



Dark souls entered through an open door
stirred panic with twisted metaphor
left clarity bleeding on the floor

the mystery yet is ours to find
but deepening night’s not far behind
with their secrets and our fears entwined

madness calls us to its shore
wraps around us threatening more
tearing at our gilded core

our book of darkness is duly signed
our troubled souls by chaos confined
false dangerous hearts fiercely aligned

caustic secrets we must abhors
much saving grace still to restore
uncertainty sways our final score

frail honesty is stumbling blind
truth now by smoke and mirrors defined
l fear our prophets may have lost their mind

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers

Poetry at: earthweal