

When I sense threat
I’ve been known to bellow
resolution comes more quickly
than approaching it mellow

if still no resolution
things may get rip-roaring
again — more effective
than simply imploring

I will never come calmly
when hedging my bet
never surrendering my fate
to tones that are dulcet

don’t tell me “relax”
or suggest that I breathe
if it’s gotten that far
I have started to seethe

pulse beatin’ — I’m screamin’
and gone out of my head
begun to coarsely embellish
with a face that’s beet red

if matters still aren’t settled
I don’t beseech — I fall quiet
then start starin’ daggers
before bringin’ the red riot

rob kistner © 2022

FOCUS WORDS: bellow, rip-roaring, dulcet, seethe, embellish, beseech

Poetry at: dVerse