Eternal Rebel

James Dean, NYC, 1955 photo by: Dennis Stock


I‘ll not listen
not be shackled
not be handled
not be ruled

I’ll not be managed
nor be played
or be fooled

you sure as hell
will not tell


or why

what you offer
I’m not taking

your extended hand
I am not shaking

the world I walk
is of my making

I will not have it
any other way

I am a man
of my own mind

and I will live
as my own man

all I really want to be
movin’ fast
and movin’ free

James Dean’s wrecked ‘55 Porsche

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Raven In The Rain

Why raven?


There you stand patient raven
liquid-black as molten coal
beside this woman besot and broken
her thoughts black and troubled
arms outstretched in anguish
as she stands ravin’ in the rain

tell me what is true here raven
why is it that you stand here
so rain soaked and deeply sullen
beside this broken woman so bereft
her soul so black and shattered
her heavy heart so full of pain

has her ravin’ called you forth
do you feel kinship in her darkness
is there a faint scent of death
carried on her plaintive breath
she~ so saddened and so downcast
her tangled life a mortal stain

are you here as fateful witness
stalking her dreadful final moments
to bear truth to how she suffers
to watch her wrap her fractured life
perhaps feast upon her forfeit body
this mournful soul so sad insane

she~ now but carrion for a crow?

her love is taken
by a mutant strain
her mind is broken
her life’s in vain
this sad girl cryin’
need not explain

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers


Daily Miracles

Seven Chakras


I want to celebrate that we can dream. That we can see what is not there, but should be, and make it so. I want to celebrate that we can create a thing of art, simply bring into the world something beautiful, that wasn’t there before — and in being there, enriches lives.

I want to celebrate that we can conceive and contrive something that makes some important thing possible — where possibility did not exist, and the making possible elevates the quality of life.

I want to celebrate the human mind, the human spirit, and the human ability to believe — not because we always go there by logic, but rather we frequently go there by belief alone, and once there, prove the logic of the belief. And the belief can uplift and cure.

I want to celebrate the human spirit that says all things are possible — and sooner, not later! I want to celebrate that art and science are the self same journey to creation — that which improves lives both practically and spiritually. This world must celebrate both from a place of profound gratitude and pinnacle pride.

And the writers and lyricists, those that can employ simple language or song, to proclaim the profound, and easily take us there, to experience the inconceivable, to move us, to fill our lives with worth, with courage, bold thinking, and joy, and laughter, and tears, and learning — to squash the tyranny of conformity, to make us more intelligent free thinkers, and more whole … this I celebrate!

hands of creation
joined in possibility
make our miracles

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


~ listen, and experience the miracle of spontaneous ecstatic human creation ~