Glory Days


First of March in the Pacific Northwest, finds wild nature in a period of recovery and renewal. Nature’s flowering plants, grasses, and brush, are blessed by the nurturing rains that have fallen, and will continue in this new year. Mighty evergreens are paused, and deciduous trees are at the end of their dormancy. Our vast forests, rejuvenated by this waning period of rest, sense Spring at the horizon, when the skies will open further, and the temperature begins its rise.

Streams begin to come to new life as the snowpacks, high in the frozen cold of the Cascade Mountains, begin their thaw. Rains help to invigorate this life giving flow. This high mountain water is a key source to bring forth the Pacific Northwest’s bounty, from the rich Willamette Valley in Oregon, to the Skagit Valley in northern Washington. Also, Rainbow, Brook, German Brown, and Cutthroat Trout grow active as waters rise and cool as snowmelt blends. Bear, deer, cougar, elk, coyote, big horn sheep, pronghorn antelope, hawk, osprey, eagle; all the varied, plentiful wildlife of our region have begun to wrap their winter rituals. Life in the PacNW wilderness, is stirring.

The opening of our winter’s March nears the end of a peaceful time of rest, before the vigorous pace of restoration begins here in this breathtakingly beautiful region. Spring debuts in March, as does the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. A regenerative calm lies upon the lush land, as nature holds its breath. The season of sky-water, still upon us, has done its masterful best to quench nature’s early thirst, and revivify her energies in this utopia. The fruit, berry, and flower buds soon will burst, and paradise will again take center stage, to begin the glory days of Pacific Northwest Spring. Rains end, the sun comes!

soon fat buds will pop
orchards vines and fields flex deep
Spring rains fall — streams flow

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at:dVerse


Breathing Underwater

~ reimagined rewrite of a poem from 2020 ~


in the dream level
most like drowning
the id holds court

our darkest secrets
play out
in the false light
of veiled memory

recollections of fantasies
intersect our nightmares
drawing us
onto the plane of shadows
through the lair of the lost

into the realm
of the almost familiar
where everything lives
at the edge of clarity

unmade promises
teeter precariously
on the tips
of rigor’d tongues

and hearts break
under weight
of unexpressed love
a sorrow
impossible as
breathing underwater

it is here
I forsook forever
that which
I never found


rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Quiet Song


As soft I knelt, bright shone the sun
though winter held, warmth had begun
my frozen heart began to melt
this breaking dawn saw my tears run
a renewed love, is what I felt
bright shone the sun, as soft I knelt

a quiet song, my heart did sing
fresh trust unleashed a new wellspring
this truly was a brand new dawn
love felt again a precious thing
was then I knew love would go on
my heart did sing, a quiet song

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at:dVerse

More poetry at:earthweal

More poetry at:poets & storytellers



~ The music of Klergy here is so intimate and important to the experience ~

the salt of lies
that proselytize
false reality

I see truth
bound and blinded
stumbling as a wraith

conflicted sides
to fear’s cold stone
by the rough rope
of disinformation

battle’s here
we must fight
smite deceit
blaze truth’s light

rob kistner © 2022

NOTE: Yesterday, 2/21/22 De, from dVerse Poets asked that we include the word salt, or a derivative, in a poem.

NOTE: Today, 2/22/22 Lillian, from dVerse Poets asked that we include the adage here to which this poem responds: “The truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

Salty inspired poetry at: dVerse

Adage inspired poetry at: dVerse



American Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk


I am jazz

I am blues

I am the 88 ivories
of beauty and sorrow

I play at the light’s edge
that pools in the night
in a joint on the bleak streets
of the sad brokenhearted

I play to the anguish
of the loveless who cower
in the dark nightmare alleys
of the lost and forgotten

I play to the grief
of the sinners who moan
alone in their heartbreak
in the ruins of love

I play to the horror
that encircles the planet
flogged raw by despair
in the shadow of plague

I play to the celebration
when the impossible falls
to the bold who succeeded
striving against odds & logic

I am the madman
sometimes the sideman
in the dark beautiful chaos
and in joy’s blue sky

I am jazz
I am blues
I am — that music

cool as a bone
playin’ it hot
hurtin’ alone

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers

Poetry at: earthweal


Old Man’s Prayer

~ on this, my 75th birthday, I offer this poem ~


Successful as a younger man
the grind became my home
and I
a conduit of worry
could I keep the crazy pace

years spun wild as a top
around faster
ever faster
life layering its patina
etched deeply in my face

suddenly no longer young
now looking back from 75
ever grateful to be alive

I’ve known triumph
I’ve known tragedy
they’ve marked me deeply
but not the same

I’ve begged
and stole
strayed through several shades of grey
I have leveraged my eternal soul
just to play this fleeting game

I pray
I will not end an old man
gazing lonely out my window
trying hard
just to remember
exactly how long it has rained

not sitting silent
by the fire
lost in somber contemplation
wondering if all I lost
was worth the cost
of what it was I gained

if I am not he
who am I

I am my memories
that huddle ’round me
soft and gentle

some dim
some vivid
through all my days
and all my nights


from quite near
and far into the past
drift forward
mingled rich
through the years

their embrace
is soothing
warm as the sun

memories of others
I’ve been blessed to love
a tender tear
for every one

the places
I have been
the wonders
these hazel eyes have seen

the joys
that painted me
so brightly

the sorrows
that taught me
the depth of life

in these memories
there is a sweetness

it holds my heart
by the touch of regret
that at times
bowed this silvered head

my heart is full
my spirit calm
a peaceful surrender
to fate’s embrace
in this moment
no tears to shed

I embrace instead
that precious
unfurled strand
from there to here
from then to now

would that these memories
never end
would that they all
begin again

but soon
the flames of recall
will falter
as the lingering embers die
no longer need for worry
no more reason to wonder why

it’s then
I’m prayer

when I am called
among the memories
when time
reaches out for me
would that I be
delivered off in peace
carried away in sleep

would that I keep
all it is
I am

I am my memories

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse





He has kept it locked for so long
the horror of that night
holds the seal tight

the memory riveted
securely barring entry
none can pass

his bitter resolve
makes certain none will try

this is a dark forbidden place
cold and barren

a wasteland of the lost
inhabited by the dead

the gate grown over
by a tangle of grief and anger

any memory
of a once vital presence
of a living breath
of warmth
of joy
forever gone

brutal night has fallen long ago
that no sun can penetrate

the blackness soothes him
he retreats into its depths
embraces its lightless void

shielded from any possibility
of further pain or remorse
he is unfeeling
safely lifeless

but see
a shadow
falls across the threshold

someone approaches

a comely being
warm and alive
lays gentle siege
threatening to breach
his hardened fortress

this lovely creature
fair and fragile
can not possibly gain entrance

must not

he will resist
he must

this is wrong
this is trespass

this is cruel betrayal
of his lost beloved

he has no right
to leave this place of sorrow
to step into the light
no right

he will lock the memory tight
the key he will not surrender
he is a man of broken dreams

the key protects his broken heart
he will not succumb

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Smilin’ Bob


~ never break the heart of a clown ~

Gaze upon me
if you will
my countenance crafted
to fool
and thrill

I’ve spent years in greasepaint
and sorrow
I rued the past
I dreaded tomorrow”

they call me smilin’ bob

it wasn’t intentional
you see

I only wanted her to
hear me
to know my heart

but her laughter
her hollow
taunting laughter
her mindless laughter
wouldn’t stop

it wouldn’t stop
and I needed her to hear me
to understand how I felt

but the laughing
and laughing
the incessant laughing
I simply couldn’t have the laughing

so I made it stop

now I hide behind this painted smile
now everyone is laughing
and laughing


until they ‘re not

I’ll spend my years in greasepaint
but no more fear
no regret
I shed not a tear

still hate the laughter
but no more sorrow
I rue not the past
don’t dread tomorrow

so gaze upon me
if you will
my countenance crafted
to fool
and thrill

and when you’re alone
away from the laughing din
smilin’ bob makes certain
you’ll not laugh again

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


NOTE: These first 3 songs represent Smilin’ Bob’s decent from the impact of the laughter, which begins his frustration, down through his madness, finally to his deadly paranoia. The 4th song represents the death of his soul, that put him in his darkness.

My Love


Letter by letter, word by word, I reach out. From my fingertips
flow pure feelings. My memories alive, my spirit full, my heart pours forth with love for you.

It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It is honest emotion, wrapped raw, with all barriers down. Wrapped, longing for connection. It is this heart that beats in my chest, that beats for you my love, this Valentine’s Day — and every other.

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse



“Waiting for Better Days” by Matthias-Haker


I see you my love
and I know you

you have worn your life
with grace and dignity
and here you stand
in your regal

your wisdom and strength
laid bare
for all to see

and you have shown me
your true heart

oh yes
I see you
I see you my love
how can I not

you are beautiful
so very beautiful

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse

Poetry at: dVerse



“Burning Love” — by Diggie Vitt


F og rolled ‘cross the lowlands
smothering damp and languid
chilled and dense with dread
ominous and threatening

twilight having receeded
moonlight labored hard
shouldering its way
through the thickening shroud

muffled deep within the gloom
a drone of disembodied voices
the moonlit fog glowed smokey silver
stirred and tumbled by the night wind

the blood-thick sterling fog breathed
wafting in then out of the forest
there could be seen in veiled glances
a frail effete enchanted presence

she held in her fragile hands
a bouquet of blazing flowers
a fire also burned within her eyes
deep and green as precious emerald

you’ve awoken the Earth Witch — I am Emeral
look upon this fire and destruction
and see just what it is
you’ve brought upon our beautiful garden earth
my coven protects the 4 elements
of earth air fire and water

they have called me forth in this moment
I have now come to end an evil goddess
the goddess of excess, ruin, and waste
the demon twisted goddess — Vintus

to strike fear in Emeral, Vintus rose above
the rough-hewn raw rock formation
that served as her earthen altar

came the goddess Vintus
lowered, standing upright
feet fixed upon her altar of death
her blood red demon cloak
gently flowed and billowed open
occasionally revealing the hideousness
it kept wrapped and sacredly contained

looking down at the Earth Witch Emeral
whose hands that held the blazing bouquet
also crackled fierce with amber lightening
for this was an element — air-fire

the witch spoke telling the goddess
I have come to end your evil ways Vintus
and reaching forward — surely and slowly
Emeral laid blazing hands upon the goddess

in a burst of righteous golden fire
the goddess’s lips began to twitch
she screamed a curse of blight upon Emeral
face ablaze, she fell to the earth — immolated

all those ’round Emeral, the Earth Witch
they bowed, exclaiming her as a goddess
then circled in a crazen coven’s dance
to exclaim in voices full and resonant
your reign begins now Emeral
you are now our goddess!

to which Emeral simply said —
the elements will now rule the earth
controlled by Gaia, the true Earth Goddess
and the people will show healthy respect

the age of misuse, abuse, plunder and pollution
This is the season of the witch!
I, Emeral — the Earth Witch
and my dedicated earthen coven

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


Cerulean Silk


From above this moonlit forest
midnight shimmers
on the mist-covered boughs
of old growth
as if diamonds are dancing
on the branches

deep and still
mirroring the moon
in the night sky
our high-mountain lake
glows like cerulean silk

this night holds a sacred silence
save for a great white owl
echoing from the cedars
across the water

we are lover and beloved
in the fragile pre-dawn
half awake
entranced by the spectacle
stretching before us

leaning on the dock rail
snuggling against me
head on my shoulder
in her quiet voice she says
in the spell
of this magical moon
I feel so full of love

smiling into her eyes
her face
bathed in the moonlight’s
white satin
I whisper softly
in this moment
here my love
with you
I feel I am the moon

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers


Shadows Lift


Fair winds arise, soon fair spring will arrive
rain’s damp shadow held winter long this year
but now the skies above begin to clear
as shadows lift, my humor may survive

the seasons bow to greet this interlude
new seeds push eager sprouts through warming earth
all nature cycles to this time of birth
as if to hail my brightened attitude

bold buds pop forth through ripe and ready limb
songs of birds lilt sweetly through greening trees
fragrance of blooms wafts softly in the breeze
fresh waters push clear streams beyond their brim

all ’round the hues and sound of boisterous spring
shadows retreat, my heart begins to sing

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Lovely Le Filou


W hen donned the mask
the transformation starts
when smoulders forth the other
fire and spark
so deep and dark

this fantasy on wings
of ardor’s dreams
she is your lovely
mistress le filou

she is she
yet she is too the other
fey deceiver
fiery lover

unleashed at light
of passion’s sterling moon
manifest at your request
sustained this night
at her delight

she is your freya
she too — your venus
this beauty is your deepest longing loosed

and you her jester
you her mindless lusting fool

she brings sweet things to life you sadly miss
bestowed with aphrodite’s molten kiss
but as you burn you likely should know this
beneath the mask awaits a strange abyss

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


WOW, This song by Santana & The Isley Bros is otherworldly sensual!

Two T’nibble

“Breakfast” by: Fernand Leger, 1921


A perfect pair
so round and warm
soft but firm
begging for a nibble

my desire piqued
my heartbeat quickens
I lick my lips
drool threatening to dribble

dreamed all night
how each luscious bite
undoubtably will please me
two breakfast eggs — over easy

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: dVerse


Hope you will enjoy the Moody’s!