Cerulean Silk


From above this moonlit forest
midnight shimmers
on the mist-covered boughs
of old growth
as if diamonds are dancing
on the branches

deep and still
mirroring the moon
in the night sky
our high-mountain lake
glows like cerulean silk

this night holds a sacred silence
save for a great white owl
echoing from the cedars
across the water

we are lover and beloved
in the fragile pre-dawn
half awake
entranced by the spectacle
stretching before us

leaning on the dock rail
snuggling against me
head on my shoulder
in her quiet voice she says
in the spell
of this magical moon
I feel so full of love

smiling into her eyes
her face
bathed in the moonlight’s
white satin
I whisper softly
in this moment
here my love
with you
I feel I am the moon

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers