Play On

To the brave people of Ukraine — may your song play on forever!

Photography by Joseph Eid


A real pity it is to say…
but a person can lose their home
a person can lose their fine clothes
a person can lose their fancy trappings
a person can grow old, losing their vitality

and all that must be met
with courage
with kindness
a gentle greeting
and proper aid

even a brave person — to lose their *music
such a person would lose their joy — their mind
it would be the dark death of their verve their soul
and that would prove to be the true tragedy of their life

rob kistner © 2022

Poetry at: The Sunday Muse


R.I.P. John Prine 1946-2020 — you are missed

A voice in Ukraine sings out – may it be just one in a chorus of courageous resistance!

* Music means many things — faith, belief, courage, optimism, joy, sanity, strength, humility, memory, wonder, creativity, sorrow, forgiveness, celebration, soul, patience, hope, love — this, and much much more, is all one’s “music”! All the things above and beyond the material. Music of the spheres.