So Coral

~ BE WARNED – the colors of hot animal passion ahead ~

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Sssspecial Kissss” by: rob kistner © 7/19/23


Paint me coral
like a snake
I’ll slither lovingly
just for you

or panda red
my sweet
we’ll cuddle
all night through

if you’ll be gentle
my lover
butterfly my cheeks
tart tangerine

paint my fantasies
flamingo rose
paint my sultry dreams

paint me
with soft brushes
like wings of a dove

paint me
with mink brushes
of hot impassioned love

stroke’em sensually eager
‘cross my glistening skin

and if I swoon softly
paint me once again

paint me
like a peacock
with iridescent lust

then accent all my edges
with lion-golden dust

paint my beating heart
a carnal tamarin gold
paint me like a secret
with brushstrokes brazen bold

titillate me tiger
with your special
sable brush

paint me dappled
like a cheetah
make my animal blood rush

paint me wolfen-eyed wilding
paint me mountain lion hush

paint me leopardly languid
and leisurely lush

paint my skin a steamy smolder
just let it all flow fully

paint me lil’rough
like a bear
I like a bit’a bully

or fingerpaint me
in a frenzy
mind spinning
cannot think

paint me pearled as an oyster
or paint me slippery salmon pink

now — should you run out of brushes
and exhaust your fingertips
paint me deep with gentle kisses
the final strokes
your coral lips

Original DDE™ surrealistic art —“Coral Kissss”
by: rob kistner © 7/19/23

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry/prose at: Moonwashed Musings


Fractal Fairy Tail

“Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination” – Anthony Newley

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Fractal Jester” by: rob kistner © 6/23/24


F antastic is this spell you’re under
magic of a most splendorous kind
a world of pure cornucopic wonder
treasure troves of dreams to plunder
in this kingdom of your blown mind

to magical mystical ports of call
no longer tethered to mere mortal
high above the mythic wonderwall
swept up in some miracle protocol
full sail through mystery’s portal

to an amazing fractal paradise
beyond all anyone can imagine
geometric forms flow so precise
at once organic yet so concise
rolling out to fold in deep again

beyond fantasy’s elaboration
a world your mind can hardly beget
a fairy tale of sweet hallucination
boggling your fired imagination
what you see you’ll never forget

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Fractal Portal”
by: rob kistner © 6/23/24

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at:Whats’s Going On


Beautiful Blues

~ Inspired by incredible blues guitarist and vocalist, Susan Tedeschi ~

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Beautiful Blues” by: rob kistner © 7/20/24

S omewhere
between the creole shadow
of Basin Street Second Line
and the hell-raised echo
of the hollered anguish
of Beal Street’s blues

in a phantom sanctum
on the creaked-wood
beer-stained slat floor
of a temple of brown whisky
and warm steel-lanced escape

at the down and desperate
sorrowing hour of 3:00 am…

…they were all there together

lost seekers of saturday night
crowded into the pungent heat
of body to body to body

swayin’ noddin‘ n’boppin’
to forget
or to remember
or just feel pleasure’s embrace

when heaven cracked open a door
and a beautiful woman
seemed to appear on stage
held in the sea of riveted eyes
as an angel might materialize

layin’ down beautiful fire
on the wound taut strings
of her magic blues ax
bendin’ and caressin’ them
until they cried
the bittersweet tears of saints

she parted and twisted her lips
and belted

a rich honey’d bourbon sound
rose from her throat
rolled down her tongue
through those wonderful red lips

then floated like a velvet cloud
fillin’ the room with a miracle
that fell upon the gathered sinners
and all were sanctified

as this rain of bliss fell
and hurtin’ broke souls moaned
gloriously drenched
a melancholy dream
lifted every soul present

the players too ascended
and the beautiful blues lady glowed
in golden grace of transcendence

deliverance rolled
through the smoky haze
and sour-sweet darkness
of this human huddle
of need and frailty

as the band played on
devils danced with angels
till dawn
and demon-fire paused
for a raw
glorious night

as beautiful-lady blues
an apparition of salvation
with her purposeful fingers
strummed and power stroked
igniting waves of firebrand joy

beauty boldly brandished
her wooden wound-wire weapon
singing sweet sorrow n’release
‘til mornin’s pale amber light
called the resurrected home

Susan Tedeschi — blues lady herself.

rob kistner © 7/20/24

Poetry at: dVerse.

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers.

Tracks Not Taken

~ Stomp blues in 4/4 time, accompanied by a slide dobro guitar. ~

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Tracks Not Taken” by: rob kistner © 6/18/24


Never did ride a train
I’d tried to once but in vain
did long distance on jet plane
no longer do ‘cause it’s a strain
that exacerbates my angina pain
I’m grounded but don’t complain
I don’t travel far from my domain
and if I really must I just — drive

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


Summer Dance

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Summer Dance” by: rob kistner © 6/17/24


We have reached Summer Solstice. Light has fully overtaken the dark. It is now when the sun’s arc reaches the peak of its journey. Each new day sunlight shines its brightest and lingers longest. The birds and animals are busy with new life. Fields of crop, orchards, and arbors are bursting forth in eager growth. This transition is a time of hope and possibility for all — animals, plants, and us.

Earth’s sprouted bounty accelerates its swell towards abundance. Hearts fill with a sense of joy. The long days and warm nights bring a spirit of freedom. Love, laughter and dance fill the air. Smiles blend with the toil and anticipation. It is a time of blessing, and an important time for personal gratitude.

dance in solstice light
it has overtaken night
days loll long — hearts bright

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry/prose at: Moonwashed Musings


This Jazz

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Jazz Apparitions” — by: rob kistner © 5/2/24

On my way to the club tonight
I wanted to tell you about jazz

about the magic of toned wood
of bamboo bent reeds
of taut tuned steel
and sizzlin’ skins — but…

an asshole crashed into my Telsa
hit me as I drove here
some shit-for-brains’ drunk
and I just got my T-mo-beel
m’lil red

he’s doin’ 75 in a 40
what a dumb shit
but I’m here

n’listen to that

band’s burnin’
crowd’s buzzin’

it’s a beautiful thing

…what an ugly ride he had
should be in a junkyard
not on the road
should lock that fool up
throw away his keys…

wow — band is hot to’night
the horns are smokin’
a slow simmerin’ sizzle

bass is solid
holdin’ that bottom
sure n’steady

…is my headache gone yet
doc said I had no concussion
but neck’s still soar
love to break that idiot’s neck…

listen to that rich piano rise
a dance in black’n’white
an improvised conversation
in sweet blue notes

man — that drummer’s cookin’
mean licks
crisp and clean

solos rippin’
raucous and righteous
tearin’ up the place
echoes of sad stories
secrets left untold

…better call doc tomorrow
tell him I still have some pain
n’all this insurance blahblahblah
gonna be a pain in my brain
double talkin’ — twisted terminology…

listen to that sultry sound
twistin’ ‘round my soul

a tapestry of truth
in a language of love
fluid and unbound

…truth’s comin’ out in court
hope that jerk wad gets bound
bound up good
bound for a long stay in lock up
— asshat…

ah yeah
this jazz
speakin’ to me tonight in tongues
of heartache
of joy
of lush lust
and lost love
blistering bliss n’sorrow

a journey through rhythm and time
each note
a world of feeling
a universe

ah man
this jazz

…not gonna let that sonofabitch
ruin this night
this jazz

screw him…!

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Wounded”
by: rob kistner © 6/13/24

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


…now — to kick out the jams…

Here Magic Lives

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Where Magic Happens” by: rob kistner © 6/12/24

Studio shelves
studio walls and floors
serenely resplendent

treasured evidence
of creative times past

a rosewood table
bedecked in over paint
cluttered with maker’s tools
and remnants
of unfinished visions

fragments of a story
long evolving
bittersweetly ended
by the arthritic fingers
of my artist hands

the art
each in its turn
arrayed its essence
whispered its secrets
in the softly lit silence
of my studio

precious moments
tethered back through time

midst these memories
pieces of myself
still haunt lovingly

fond recollections
of beloved yesterdays

the past breathes quietly
in the dim warm glow
settled upon this room

I muse reflective
sitting alone
at peace
watching all this end
self-curating solace

by the purples of twilight
and the crystaled silver
of subtle tears

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: Whats’s Going On


Unquestioning Fate

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “The 10,000 Doors” by: rob kistner © 6/11/24

We cannot hide
from the great orb
of unquestioning fate

that spins in the spaces
of destiny’s light and dark
days of falter and fear
in this great void approaching

that moves
unsteady in orbit
of unquenchable doubt

what your mind must conceal
from the spirit
of joy and forgiveness

that which is pure
tested by time
and the wanting hands
of the waiting
who cower
yet smile

singing truth
through the hail and barrage
‘cross the bow mast
of freedom
seeking broad measure and berth

as all that you seem to desire
slips slowly away
like rain down a spout
and nightmares plumb deep
the sphere of black dreams

such is the slag-shattered
glass orb of the future

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: * “Slag Shattered Future”
by: rob kistner © 6/11/24

that moves slowly
through the arc of the ages
who’ve waited and watched
‘neath the promised moon
of deliberate ancients

that revolves
in the void of the others
that seek what we know
to be ever
the voice of the lost

in the light of the dark dawning
that heralds the word
of this time that’s upon us

that holds us fast
in the fear of bleak visions
and of longing
for all
that we desire to be
here in our heart

locked in a frozen quandary
peering startled
down a shadowy corridor
of 10,000 unopened doors

truth so elusive
in this moment
that slips
like a squandered teardrop

forever away from
our loosening grasp

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Unquestioning Fate”
by: rob kistner © 6/11/24

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse

* “Slag Shattered Future” is my visual representation of humankind’s dark polluting progress
crushing the light of a pure pristine future.


Ship of Wonders

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Ship of Wonders” by: rob kistner © 6/10/24

Fantastic — this spell I’m under
a splendorous magical kind
cornucopic world of wonder
troves of dreams to plunder
a kingdom of my mind

fantasy’s elaboration
on marvel’s sails I ascend
navigating rich hallucination
sweetest figments of imagination
oh, would this dream but never end

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


They’re Just Books

”There are many kinds of joy, but they all lead to one: the joy to be loved.”
Michael Ende, The Neverending Story


Poem & art below inspired by the WGO prompt and this Catrin Welz-Stein art above.

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Imagination Soaring” by: rob kistner © 6/5/24


Just books
just books
these, just books
— no way!

maybe magic dragons
flying phone booths
or hot air balloons

maybe ww2 planes
or rocketships to space
taking you to amazing places
beyond your wildest imagination

or maybe a genie’s lamp
carrying you off to Xanadu
to Kubla Khan’s pleasure-dome
where the sacred river Alph runs

or perhaps an enchantment
that introduces you to Bastian
and you two adventure to Fantasia
to save the kingdom from The Nothing

maybe it is a beautiful women
who lived in a kingdom by the sea
who was taken so young by the seraphs
she had never known love’s sweet needing

they are dinosaurs on the loose
perhaps they are toys come alive
an archaeologist in a haunted tomb
maybe they’re superheros who can fly

no, not just books here
maybe timetravel vehicles
or portals to parallel worlds
magic keys to unlock wonders
or imagination’s magical carpets
or a cool movie’s secret ingredient
just anything you choose them to be
but they’re definitely not — just books

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: Whats’s Going On

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry at: Poets & Storytellers


Ride The Moon

Poem & art below inspired by this wonderful Catrin Welz-Stein art piece above.

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Ride The Moon” by: rob kistner © 6/4/24

Capture the poet moon
harness its sterling spirit

listen for its soulful song
until finally you hear it

let it ignite
your true heart
to sing

then ride
that sweet moon
through midnight skies
of magic

lighting the poet’s lamp
explore the secret realm of rhyme

seek the magic
that glistens there

like stardust
in folds of time

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Poet’s Lamp”
by: rob kistner © 6/4/24

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


By My Hand

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “By My Hand” by: rob kistner © 6/3/24


Into darkness I descend
as the hand of grief extends
deliverance called me to this door

she was indeed a faithful wife
in a moment’s mercy I took her life
her final stare I must endure

I pray to God that she may lie
forever with unopened eye
to her — my truest love I swore

may darkness hide my tears
I am haunted — filled with fears
my soul is broken evermore

her innocent voice cries my name
I’ve finally gone insane
it’s the end for me I’m sure

is this really what it seems
or has this been just a dream
but I feel my sorrow soar

I pray I’ve been asleep
in a dream-state dark and deep
please god — let my eyes soon open
let this nightmare spell be broken
and a new sun rise once more
if not — your mercy I implore

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Waking From A Nightmare”
by: rob kistner © 6/3/24

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse