Summer Dance

Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Summer Dance” by: rob kistner © 6/17/24


We have reached Summer Solstice. Light has fully overtaken the dark. It is now when the sun’s arc reaches the peak of its journey. Each new day sunlight shines its brightest and lingers longest. The birds and animals are busy with new life. Fields of crop, orchards, and arbors are bursting forth in eager growth. This transition is a time of hope and possibility for all — animals, plants, and us.

Earth’s sprouted bounty accelerates its swell towards abundance. Hearts fill with a sense of joy. The long days and warm nights bring a spirit of freedom. Love, laughter and dance fill the air. Smiles blend with the toil and anticipation. It is a time of blessing, and an important time for personal gratitude.

dance in solstice light
it has overtaken night
days loll long — hearts bright

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse

Poetry/prose at: Moonwashed Musings