Stir of Autumn

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Autumn Bounty” by: rob kistner © 8/26/24

The faint stir of autumn can be felt in the evening breeze, as summer slowly wanes. Soon September will rise, to ride with the early fallen leaves downstream into the current of October waters. Their colors whirling, bobbing, tumbling over crystal ripples, round and past the river rocks, over rip rap in the stream bed, carried vividly away into the setting autumn sun.

Days will continue to shorten, shadows will lengthen, a quiet reverent peace will settle upon the valley, as nature prepares itself for the slumber of renewal. However, not before the crackling joyous dance of the grape harvest, and a crisp crimson-gold kiss goodnight.

a breathless whisper
imperceptible murmur
prayer for the harvest

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


The Seekers

“Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history” – Plato

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Poets’ Reverie” by: rob kistner © 8/22/24

Quite mad in their special ways
they like the path unclear
the route unmarked

fond of stumbling in
fumbling through
finding their own way

engaged by the obtuse
they see grace and form
in brilliant imbalance

seduced by the fog
they seek the wonder
it certainly conceals

where they long to go
is always round the bend
farther over the hill

their ears prick
to sounds that call
just beyond clarity

to all these things
their souls are pulled
their minds are open

though the path winding
and the journey hard
ever on they seek

they know mystery hides
in the settling mist
around the curve

over the crest
just out of sight
truth’s clarion calls

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse




S ucculent nectar of full plumped peach
laid bare engorged deliciousness
peeled open in promised sweet delight
ecstatic vision of tender flesh

tart sweet tingle at tip of tongue
such sweetness surely is taboo
my mouth thrills to the juicy pulp
my lips glisten sweetest nectar’s dew

this eruption of unbridled pleasure
enwraps me in a most heady swoon
consumed by uncontrolled desire
I crave more and it must be soon

breathing in the rich bouquet
senses teased and tantalized
I devour the dripping treat
bite by bite until satisfied

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse

Like A Prayer

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Inspired” by: rob kistner © 8/19/24

A gentle breeze
whispers in the cedar boughs
these patient sentinels
ever watching over
this whitewater
high-mountain river

a zephyr wafts downstream
brushes my face
tosses my hair
and dances past me
‘round the bend

a hushed gasp
escapes my lips

like a prayer

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


The Edge

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “The Edge” by: rob kistner © 8/15/24

Standing at the edge
feeling far below
the great tides

the ebb and flow
the rise and fall

the come and go of centuries
of millenniums
wave by wave
day by day
as it has always been

this might incarnate
this power of indifference
this surge of perfect apathy

and I
as insignificant as the grain of sand
bounced and tumbled
dragged helpless in the undertow

a great froth crested wave
rises up in beckon
the silk of azure blue
draped smoothly down its sloping back
as it dances on the deep

how easy I could slip
into that fathomed realm

ever down
into the waiting silence
without so much a noticed sound
quiet as a breaking heart

absorbed into the churn and roar
without so much a ripple
to disturb the steady surf

a subtle crease
even as it came


rob kistner © 2011
originally linked at Magpie Tales

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


The Lotus

~ the dream goes on forever ~

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “The Lotus” by: rob kistner © 8/7/24

Dream with me my love
love is the magic we will seek

seek it until the end of days
days numbering to eternity

eternity — where love’s magic hides
hides in the folds of the lotus

lotus petals — love’s open wings
wings of pure beauty and truth

truth — the key to perfect surrender
surrender is the secret of love’s dream
dream that goes on — forever

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “For You Love”
by: rob kistner © 8/7/24

rob kistner © 2024

More dreams at: dVerse


Sailin’ To Dreamland

This is a song…

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Ship Of Dreams” by: rob kistner © 8/7/24

Let your dreams take you higher
close your eyes and sail away
to worlds of pleasures you desire
lands where wishes do hold sway

to magical mystical ports of call
here you are not merely mortal
this world beyond the wonderwall
sailing on through mystery’s portal

in a ship of psychedelic colors
fiery colors to ignite the night sky
sky full of crystal glittering stars
stars to light our path golden

trav’ling in fantasy’s odyssey
beyond anything you can imagine
a sublimely rich spellbound journey
to places you have never been

you’ll see visions so enchanted
a world your mind can but beget
wonder will be by awe supplanted
what you see you’ll never forget

your joy unbounded will ascend
beyond your wildest imagination
all disbelief you will suspend
as you soar in sweet hallucination

it’s most important you fully comprehend
you’ll have changed once you transcend
you needn’t worry on the past again
as you were quite a different person then

rob kistner © 2024
Poetry at: dVerse


Chaleur Parisienne

“To live without passion is to not live.” Molière

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Red Shutters Rue St Denis” by: rob kistner © 8/1/24

P assion
let it flare fire red
red as the shuttered windows
of Paris Rue St Denis
that conceal the carnally
on a starburst night

in the throes
of steaming conquest
ripe with release
coursing with hunger
for the tender flesh
of reckless passion

white hot
as a deflowered bride
burning with the lust
of an august first-night
impaled on the horn
of promise and desire

there will be no truth
in these minglings
only raw bleeding need
and the quenchless thirst
for bittersweet
forbidden nectar

when you hear
the hushed whispers
know that it was so
and so it will remain
in the lithe loins
of the skin slaves
fully aflame
behind Paris red shutters

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Paris Streetwalker”
by: rob kistner © 8/1/24

rob kistner © 2024
Poetry at: dVerse