Stir of Autumn

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Autumn Bounty” by: rob kistner © 8/26/24

The faint stir of autumn can be felt in the evening breeze, as summer slowly wanes. Soon September will rise, to ride with the early fallen leaves downstream into the current of October waters. Their colors whirling, bobbing, tumbling over crystal ripples, round and past the river rocks, over rip rap in the stream bed, carried vividly away into the setting autumn sun.

Days will continue to shorten, shadows will lengthen, a quiet reverent peace will settle upon the valley, as nature prepares itself for the slumber of renewal. However, not before the crackling joyous dance of the grape harvest, and a crisp crimson-gold kiss goodnight.

a breathless whisper
imperceptible murmur
prayer for the harvest

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse