Nobody’s Fool

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Nobody’s Fool” by: rob kistner © 9/3/24

~ never laugh at a clown ~

Gaze upon me
if you will
my countenance crafted
to fool
and thrill

I’ve spent years in greasepaint
in fear and sorrow
I rued my past
and dreaded my tomorrow”

they call me Laughin’ Lyle
I love to see you smile
be joyful
full of glee…

but never ever laugh at me

it wasn’t intentional
you see
I only wanted her to
hear me
when I told her…

please don’t laugh

but her laughter
her hollow taunting laughter
her mindless laughter
wouldn’t stop

it wouldn’t stop
and I needed her to hear me
to understand how I felt

but the laughing
and laughing
her incessant laughing
I simply couldn’t have the laughing…

so I made it stop

now I hide behind this painted smile
and there are still those laughing
and laughing
and laughing…

until that moment
when they‘re not

I still hate the laughter
but I know well now
how to make it stop

I’ll spend my years in greasepaint
but no more fear
no regret
I’ll shed not another tear

so gaze upon me
if you will
my countenance crafted
to fool
and thrill

but when you’re all alone
and your laughing’s at its end
I will make quite certain…

you’ll not laugh again

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse