Come February

“Songs of failed love serenade the rain.”


Come February

here am I
wishing wishes
for those days
when life made sense

thinking thoughts
that tear at me
for the things
I failed to be

how I do desire
the damp dreary days
of february
when my forlorned
fallen face
is commonplace

when no one intrudes
to question
what’s the matter
when they see
the tears I cry
no one asks me why

because all around
are caught up in the blues

oh if only
you could find it
in your heart

to forgive
this sadly lost
and broken man

who much too late
he was a fool

and in his sorrow
why you refuse

but how I wish
ill-tempered weather
would ensue

to drive the joyful
all around me
to indoor spaces

so I’d be spared
the pain
of smiling faces

and the bitter
bitter memory
of losing you


~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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  • 20 thoughts on “Come February”

    1. OK, big guy, a third poem–what a burst of creativity, like poetic perpetual motion. This is literally crying the blues; but the polyptotons are evident, and the internal rhyming is killer.

      1. Thank you Glenn. I am about to go back into the hospital again for my failing heart, so maybe subconsciously, this is my attempt to get it sll out there — while I still can?

        1. Hi Rob,

          I read your comment and I wanted to say I wish you well. I will be waiting to read your next poems.

          PS – All will be fine when February comes…

          (hugs) from a far….

          1. Thank you True, I appreciate your kindness. I have confronted my heart issues for many years, through 3 heart attacks, 3 angioplasty operations, 5 stents, and a the implantation of a pacemaker, so I am not overwhelmed. I choose to live.

    2. Rob,
      These lines definitely resonated with me.
      “thinking thoughts
      that tear at me
      for the things
      I failed to be”
      It is so easy to be lost in our own head where there is no one to argue against the painful thoughts. Do you find writing poetry to be a way of coping with life?

      1. I am pleased this touched you Ali. Yes, I use my poetry to work through inner turmoil, sort out issues that are gripping me, express some deeply felt frustration — and basically remain sane in sn insane world.

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