

what is racism
you think that you understand
listen to pookie
then don’t just say, “I got it”
listen again — listen hard

rob kistner © 2020


His mom calls him Pookie.

My head was turned, and my mind and my heart was opened by this man, Brandon Leake, a spoken word artist — winner of this season’s AGT. He made this white man look a little more deeply at what I think I understand, and I thank him for it! Truth and revelation can be found in unexpected places.

To elucidate. The power I found in Brandon was his ability to make me better “feel” a bit clearer, the impact that racism has on a black parent — his mother. That woke me to realize that I have never “thought” I was racist, and still don’t, when I intellectualize it. But I had no genuine inkling of how it really feels, and still don’t at its full depth and measure.

But I now understand, and feel, at least the initial threshold of that particular black parent experience, in that I know well, in my gut, the fear and worry I have regarding the safety and well bring of my children and my grandchild — and I don’t have to include worrying about their very life, simply because of the color of their skin. I have “known” that such a situation existed in the black reality, but I never had to include that in my portfolio of parental fears and feelings.

My 18-year-old son Aaron was killed, so as a parent/grandparent, I always hope their lives are safe. But Aaron was not killed for the absurd reason of the color of his skin. Now, because of Brandon’s remarkable ability as a poet and spoken word artist, he has made me feel a bit of that unfortunate black terror.

My mind and heart have been expanded a little further because of Brandon “Pookie” Leak, a truly remarkable young man, whose words and voice I hope continue to ring out with the power and possibility that he embodies. Please stay safe young man! Peace!


MTB: Protest Poetry

31 thoughts on “Pookie”

  1. I’ve followed his progress. Can you believe a poet WON AGT?! What a talented young man! My protest poem is a sarcastic slap at the negativity we’re fed daily. No news show features young people such as Brandon, and the other legion of good people in this world. We only hear about disaster, calamity, destruction, murder and mayhem until we’re suffocating in it.

    1. I was so excited he won Bev, the poet won… 🙂 …and he deserved to win — he is powerful! What poignant and brilliant messages he delivered in each of his performances. I was awestruck.

  2. This is a fabulous video. I lost my son last year. Does it matter what color he was? Without looking at my blog, or knowing who I am, does it matter? No! Death is the same for every color and every mother fears the worst. Equality can’t only be “sometimes”.

    1. Yes yes Christine! I lost my 18-year-old son in 1995, and it took several years just to get past the debilitating grief. I now embrace my wonderful memories of Aaron — but there are still tears in unexpected moments. I am so sorry for your loss, 🙁 may peace eventually find you… {{{{HUG}}}}

  3. Brandon Leake on national TV telling millions the truth strikes deep fear into the power structure that counts on division of the masses to rule. Rob, thank you for bringing Brandon into my scope of awareness <3

    1. In the moment his presentation of the performance, I have linked here, was happening ‘live’, I was watching — in tears. I could feel again, how fucking powerful truth is, and how uplifting love is — when it’s real. Brandon “Pookie” Leake had the judges in tears, and he received a sustained standing ovation ‘live’, and from people Zoomed in from around the world! It was a breathtaking moment — and as it had to be, delivered by a phenomenal poet! We absolutely must cut this evil cruel cancer called Trump out of the body of our nation, or healing will be nearly impossible. We have 40 days to do it. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!

  4. Two things, hurrah for Pookie, and Fuck Trump. I watched Branden from his audition, and I agree that “spoken word” can be very powerful. In his case, pardon me for saying, his words were not so profound, rather it was him, his authenticity, spirit, and heart–a ray of hope in a sea of shit.

    1. What I found profound was his ability to get people to truly feel his words. Truth is not a complex thing. The human mind is a complex thing, and getting people’s mind tuned in to hear and embrace the truth, truly embrace it, is a gift beyond complexity — it goes to purity of intention… which I find to be very very rare. Brandon “Pookie” Leake possesses purity of intention, not perfection. If he were perfect he would not be heard, because he would not be able to touch upon the component that makes him relatable. And his purity of intention to relate and elevate is a gift. I am so grateful to him for sharing it with conviction. Remarkable man.

  5. I am in tears. As a mom who lost two children, I have wept for all the black children who have been killed – even if they were adults, they are still someone’s child. Thank you for sharing this – I haven’t seen it before and it is so powerful.

  6. Thanks for introducing me to Brandon Leake, Rob. I had never yet imagined what it must be like to be a mother who is afraid every time her child goes out the door just because of the colour of his/her skin. We have a long way still to go.

    1. You are so welcome Ingrid. We all, as human beings, have a huge journey ahead, if we are ever to reach a place of civilized, inclusive, loving awareness in our hearts — and truly embrace such, manifesting these daily in our public lives.

  7. kaykuala
    then don’t just say, “I got it”
    listen again — listen hard

    It is always there rightly or wrongly but not many seem to acknowleldge its seriousness. Many are unwittingly the perpetrators but let it flow with the wind not arresting its advance. Very true, Rob!


    1. The power I found in Brandon was his ability to make me better “feel” the impact that racism has on a black mother. That woke me to realize that I have never thought I was racist, and still don’t, when I intellectualize it. But I had no inkling of how it really feels, and still don’t at the full depth and measure. But I now understand, and feel, the initial threshold of that black experience, in that I know well, in my gut, the fear and worry I have regarding the safety and well bring of my children and my grandchild — and I don’t have to include worrying about their very life simply because of the color of their skin. I have “known” that such existed in the black reality, but I never had to include that in my portfolio of feelings. Now, because of Brandon’s remarkable ability as a poet and spoken word artist, he has made me feel a bit of that unfortunate terror. My mind and heart have been expanded a little further because of Brandon “Pookie” Leak, a truly remarkable young man, whose words and voice I hope continue to ring out with the power and possibility that he embodies. Please stay safe young man! Peace!

  8. This has to be the most powerful three plus minutes I have experienced in many a day. Thank you so much for sharing, Rob. My heart aches for your loss.

  9. I find it amazing that it can be this way… and knowing it may very well be the police you have to fear… this is chilling.

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