Nocturne (video poem)


NOTE: To watch me read Nocturne: CLICK HERE



hawk moon hangs heavy
in the damp night sky

bulbous moist pearl
in a cold chromium fog

wet slivers of cloud
smear themselves
across its face


like translucent sacks
of moonbeams


glassine billowing pillows

soaked with midnight

stars float and spark

frozen splintered crystal tips
diamond chips
pinprick rips
in blackened space

they wink and wane
and flutter
shattered bits of silvered light

snapping here then not

behind the ghostly white vapor
that slithers
through the firmament

the world
devoid of color
aglow in sterling grey
a negative of day

thick and chilled

filled with the sound
of stalking after-dark things


the sorrowing hour
to lay bare your soul
in pale introspection

in grief of secrets

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020


  • To read more poems at Poets & Storytellers: CLICK HERE


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  • 24 thoughts on “Nocturne (video poem)”

    1. You have a voice meant for reading poetry, love that deep timbre which gives such richness to the despair of the atmosphere you’ve conjured here. Perfect poem for the Halloween time of year, when souls wander and spirits weep.

      1. …and a perfect face for radio… ba-dum-bump! 🙂 Thank you Lisa. This is an upgrade of a poem I wrote 11 years ago. Felt right for the prompt and for the seadon.

    2. Thanks Rob, a great reading – with a wonderful basso you have -and it adds so much to your spooky piece. If I were a child I’d be well under the covers trembling by now (if not howling for my mum). Great soundings, thanks for sharing with us.

      1. Thank you Peter. It was a pleasure recording spoken word again. It had been longer than I realized since my last one. I appreciate the nudge to do it again, as sparked by your prompt… 🙂

    3. This is wonderful, both the poem and the video. I just love the darkness of this poem and I love these lines:

      “frozen splintered crystal tips
      diamond chips
      pinprick rips
      in blackened space”

      You sound like you could be a professional voice actor or announcer. Excellent writing here and a fantastic performance with reading your poem. It’s such a different experience reading the words and then hearing them intended by the author. Wonderful work here, Rob.

      1. Thank you Lucy… 🙂 I have always felt the real power of poetry is in the spoken word of the poet. I was a professional singer for 25 years, and also did voice-over for commercials. My biggest client for a number of years was Honda Motorcycles — but that was years ago.

    4. Sadly. Rob, I couldn’t get the video to work on my laptop – I’ve been having a few problems lately – but I enjoyed reading it aloud, letting the ‘bulbous moist pearl’ roll on my tongue and imagining ‘translucent sacks of moonbeams’. I also enjoyed the sound of the lines:
      ‘frozen splintered crystal tips
      diamond chips
      pinprick rips’

      1. Thank you Kim, but I am sad you didn’t get to hear”Nocturne” read. It is like a spoken song, deep and rich and resonant — I wrote it to be enjoyed viscerally, sight & sound. Maybe you will try it again, and it will work? Now that I am back in the groove of doing video poems again,I plan to do many more going forward… for as long as I can. As my arthritis takes my fingers more and more, video poems can be a wonderful creative ouglet.

    5. Very effective reading, Rob. Your voice lends to the darkness that evolves in your poem.
      I like the near-rhyme and alliteration in “glassine billowing pillows.”

    6. Oh dark night–stars and stalking things, and secrets. . .perfect for this time of year. Your reading is spectacular. I can imagine listening to this on the radio. I didn’t remember your voice being so deep when we did our last dVerse live. (My husband has a bass voice, too.)

    7. It was a pleasure to hear you read this Rob, really wonderful sounds and darkness that becomes even stronger with your voice…. You should really have a youtube channel to share poetry.

      1. Thank you Bjorn… 🙂 …for several years, in my younger healthier days, I had a blog, on which I exclusively presented me reading my poetry — as well as a short-lived YouTube channel which quickly became inactive after my second heart attack. I think the channel still exists, though I fon’t immediately remember how I log in? Now that I have had mt 3rd heart attack, resulting in a Pacemaker, I am again considering creating more spoken word video presentations. I am feeling well enough, and as the arthritis worsens in my hands, spoken word presentations are promising themselves as possibly more desirable. Typing is really getting difficult for me.I zm beginning to do my comments via Siri’s voice transcriber — although she doesn’t get it perfect, she gets damned close. Some of the typos she creates require I go back and edit, which takes time, but does help me manage with the pain in my fingers a bit by lessening my amount of typing. Fun journey getting old znd beginning to malfunction… 😉

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