Lux Mori


Lux Mori



coarse lands cloaked in white
fall into a death-life stun
winter’s dressing hand
shrouds the dormant earth’s repose
waiting for reviving sun

~ ~


we cross this solstice night
the final dying of the light
as this spent year wanes
seasons circle back again

life’s cycles will reprise
a fertile new year will arise
may the power of light’s rebirth
bring bounty’s blessings to the earth

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020

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40 thoughts on “Lux Mori”

    1. Gotta let the light shine Ron. We are being engulfed by shadows, and I hope we can move away from the dark — and I am not embracing religion here, I am embracing truth and conscience.

  1. Needless to say, I prefer Rebirth to Repose; but it’s all good Japanese death poems. I like your rhyming, which we don’t usually get with Asian forms, and it takes more effort on your part. I wrote a Renga, which is a Zen collaboration style.

  2. type type, erase erase. I’m trying to think of something semi-intelligent in response to reading your work, and I can’t. All I can think to say is, “I loved both pieces, and they fit so well together.” Also your graphics are stunning. This is my first time at your site and it looks like there is a ton to explore, but no follow button? 🙁

    1. Thank you Peter. Yes, may it be so. This world needs to move from these shadows into the light, or the darkness may consume us. I hope I’m just old and sour, and the world is actually bright and shiny — nothing would please me more. I love the natural wilderness of this planet, and my heart breaks from the abuse it suffers at the hands of humans. Perhaps it is time for us to go — or fucking grow, eyes to see and a soul to feel!

  3. That cycle is what makes the darkness tolerable – at least until the final darkness. But then, that’s only dreaded from this side, and then for what’s left undone.

    Well done here, Rob.

  4. I love the image of ‘coarse lands cloaked in white’ and the thought of winter’s hand shrouding earth’s repose’, and then you wowed me with rebirth, Rob, especially the image of seasons circling back again, possibly ad infinitum.

    1. Thank you Kim. I believe that the life energy that we should be aware of, and honor and revere, of which humankind is only one element — is ad infinitum. It is in no way understood by our clever human minds, no matter how smart any of us think we are — and it not not be fully understood. The wonder of this mystery is the awe we should embrace with humility and unity. The error of our ways is the arrogant belief that humankind is somehow superior in this myriad that comprises the lifeforce. It is what has created the imbalance that diminishes our existence, and we are so lacking in true vision, that we don’t see it — still destroying that which “is”, by the dangerous and erroneous belief that humankind has some sort of mandate of dominion. We need to seek balance, not dominion. Of course, this is JMHO.

    1. Thank you Xan, and interesting conclusion you draw. I detest religion. They are exclusionary, deflective, self-righteous, and driven by dogma and edicts. Most arrogantly turn the faces and hearts of their followers away from the earth and toward some fictitious elsewhere. If I were to ever help start a movement it would be to revere and celebrate this spaceship earth, and to embrace all fellow passengers, honoring “ALL” living things as equal, humankind being only one form of the many, hoping to unite the energy that this combined multi-faceted lifeforce represents, to elevate the overall quality of this earth — in the NOW, each moment being precious, knowing that each moment of the continuum contains elements of firsts, lasts, and enlightenment — as this indestructible energy constantly changes, evolving in the sacred cycle of life. Knowing that it is not known, what is not known, so with humility, the wonder of experience, change, possibility, and growth is sought and elevated as the driving motive of existence. BE HERE NOW, AWARE, TO LOVE AND EMBRACE IT ALL, WITH INTEGRITY, IN EACH MOMENT. That eould be my non-religion Xan.

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