


across the way
backlit by the dawn
she moves languidly
her form fired golden
ablaze in morning sunlight

her silhouette radiates
as if an apparition
as if an angel
my breath catches in my chest
my whole being aglow

then I awake
to heartache

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2021

Awaking to the sobering realization — she’s gone!

“waking this morn
love newborn”


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28 thoughts on “Apparition”

  1. A beautifully described apparition, Rob, especially ‘her form fired golden / ablaze in morning sunlight’. I know that feeling of breath catching in my chest – it’s painful waking sometimes.

    1. Sorry Jane. See My comment to Helen. It almost had a sappy happy ending… 🙂 …one of the reasons my posting was so late is I procrastinated for several hours whether to end the piece up and positive, or as a crushing tragedy. I am drawn to tragedy. Plus we are rdmodeling our bathroom and with the work crew, it’s chaos here!

      1. Just read this comment and happy for the “insider information” that you procrastinated because you didn’t know which way to go with the ending. Glad you kept both so the reader could choose 🙂 Good luck with the remodeling! Those workers can be a real intrusion into one’s routine.

    1. Thank you Helen, I love this Sarah Sarah song. Early on in the conceptualization, I had considered a very differdnt ending couplet for this poem. It was:
      “waking this morn
      love newborn”
      But in selecting Sarah’s “Angel” it put me in a beautifully melancholy mood, and the sad ending seemed more soulfully sad and satisfying to me — and I liked the sudden flip.

  2. Sometimes dreams are SO real! And we wake and still think we’re there or with the person or the image. I like the title and the image….and your description….until we awaken.

  3. Rob, you picked the perfect image to go with your poem. I was about to comment it’s the best of times (a great dream like that) and the worst of times (when you wake up and realize it’s not real) ……… and then I saw your alternate ending. In any case you wrote a beautiful and lively poem.

    1. Thank you so much Lisa. Yes, I am thrilled for the new bathroom to come, but it feels abit invasive, and with this pandemic, a little unsettling. I just stay on snother floor of the house while ghey are here, mask in hand.

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