Shroom Shroom

“With a nod to Alice in Wonderland”


Shroom Shroom



while strolling this ridge alone — unaware
through tall sun-drenched trees I happen to glance
a valley that nature conceals with care
a magical realm where woodland nymphs dance

I can not believe the wonders I see
wee sprites join the dance — then fairies — then elves
this enchanted vale awhirl below me
mythical spirits enjoying themselves

dare I go down there and join in the fun
my mind is spinning – of course I must dare
so down the mountainside quickly I run
then burst through the trees – but nothing is there

how can this be they were just here – but wait
could this perhaps be that mushroom I ate

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021

“and a cap tip to Ms Slick”


– a bit of bolero for your enjoyment –

To check out more mushroom magic at dVerse: CLICK HERE

– Now, to echo Grace’s words, this is ”some kinda mushroom”!

28 thoughts on “Shroom Shroom”

  1. You old hippy you. This is hilarious. I knew Oregon, like WA, was mushroom country for truffles and chanterelles, but I didn’t know about what you mentioned. I was in boot camp when Grace warbled that tune. A CA lad had to tell me what “feed your head” meant.

  2. Hahaha, I love this:

    “quickly I run
    then burst through the trees – but nothing is there

    how can this be they were just here – but wait
    could this perhaps be that mushroom I ate”

    This is a whole palette of shroomy imagery, a whole trip! It’s so fun until it ends, just as you show it in the closing lines. A brilliant and colorful poem, Rob! I enjoy reading your work and how it subsumes your reader into their imagination, all from your wonderful words.

    1. Thank you Lucy. When Sarah posted the prompt I couldn’t resist, what for me, appeared the obvious. But I wanted to have some whimsical fun with it — because I am, after all, a whimsical fun guy… oh my gawd, did I really just write that?

    1. Thank you Sarah! I fly my 1960’s hippie flag high and proud, the “peace in the world” and “love among people” version. Had that movement taken hold, and not the criminal, money-grubbing drug lord, greedy 1% controlled, manipulative government war machine — this world could be a far far better place right now. But I learned I was young and naive. I now know the human beings of this era, when gathered in a herd, are greedy, violent, self-serving, arrogant, destructive, and ravenous. History has proven that to me. Sad shame though. Our paradise, where “civilization” is centered in cities, is turning into a polluted, blood-soaked, dangerous, trash heap! That’s why I have spent a large majority of my adult life, away from cities, as far out in the natural wilderness, as possible, every chance I get. Out where living things, absent human stains, intuitively understand natural balance — and breathtaking beauty thrives! What pisses me off is that humankind, to this point, has done such an effective job of ruining the planet, that the impact is now creeping into the natural wilderness. I am convinced COVID-19 is the current evidence that the natural world is continually fighting back. Breaks my heart though, because the shit show we have created is going to fall square on the sholders of my beautiful grandson, and his generation (ptovided we survive). We are such damned fools. Perhaps his generation will finally figure that out, and turn this dumpster fire around!? Not fair to them though. Of course, this is just my humble opinion… 😐

    1. Thank you Ingrid. Psychedelics are only for strong minded youth, but it has proven that it’s influence, in moderation, has the possibility to bring incredible things into our world. Look at Steve Jobs, and his partner Steve Wozniak, and Elon Musk — to name a few. The few trips I had certainly opened my creative imagination and empathy, for the long term. But anything can be dangerous, so I do not recommend them, especially without the mental strength and acumen, as well as the positive mindset required. I am certainly not in the right place in my life to ever do them again — but very glad I did back when. Any way, I was having fun with this piece. Glad you enjoyed it Ingrid… 🙂

  3. And here I was thinking of Grace Slick singing white rabbit from reading your poem.. and lo and behold there she is… sounds like a nice trip.

  4. First time I took mushrooms was one of the merriest, plush, dancing and divine experiences I’ve found in this life. Everything alive and gloriously weaving. Amen.

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